July 20, 2011

Anderson Update

I may be about to have a spastic episode of blogging. I know I haven't blogged in months and the guilt is catching up with me. A lot has changed in our family the last 7 months. We bought a town home in Lehi and are enjoying meeting new friends and getting accustomed to a new city, even though it is only 12 miles from Orem, it is a big change for us.

Here is a quick update of the kids. Ben turned 3, he still loves dinosaurs, swimming, playing Candy Land, eating spaghetti, happy meals from "Old McDonald" & making his sister laugh.

Haley is almost 1, she wants to do everything Ben does and adores him. She loves playing in the water. She is close to walking, she cackles when she laughs and she is a joy to be around.

December 19, 2010

Christmas Best

The kids looked so cute dressed up for church today. My mom found this beautiful Christmas dress for Haley and then "had to" buy Ben some nice Sunday clothes so they could both dress up nice. They sure looked cute. Aren't Grandma's the best!