Saturday, June 2, 2012

Catching Up

I am so behind on blogging that it's time for a catch up list. Here is what we have been up to (in reverse order as I try to remember!).

- Yesterday was Field Day at the big kids school. They look forward to this day and enjoy it. Jeremy always goes and helps with the same game every year and he enjoys it too! It was rainy yesterday so I took dry clothes and lunch around 11 and stayed to watch Cara run in the school race. She was super excited about the whole day and was up at 6:30 to get ready. She also went to a friends for a sleepover *her first* and was distracted the whole day with excitement :). We are so thankful that she has made some sweet friends this year at school. The change in her attitude about school is a huge blessing! What a difference a year makes :).

Heading out in the morning. 

- On Thursday I took the little two strawberry picking with a couple of girlfriends. They really enjoyed this and we got lots of yummy strawberries.

I have no comment on Abby's outfit other than I lost :)

- Last weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) was our favorite weekend of the year. The POOL opened and we were there all three days!

Our crew on opening day! 

Last Friday was Abby's last day of preschool!! She is now a big Kindergartner! I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? She talked for days about riding her bike to school on the last day so Jeremy rode with her. 

- Preschool graduation was Thursday night. Abby did a great job on her line and songs. 

- The girls and I enjoyed Mother/Daughter zumba the weekend before Mother's Day. They had lots of fun! I enjoyed doing something fun with them.

- We enjoyed ending our lunch days (Thursdays) for the year by taking B with us. He spent many Thursdays with a sweet family near the school that loves him a whole lot while Abby and I went to do lunch duty at the big kids school. Braxton had become quite the distraction for the big kids. Everyone knows him and he spent his time walking around giving high 5's and fist bumps which caused the big kids to take forever eating. We started taking him about once a month towards middle of the year and that worked better :).

- Here are a few more random pictures that I found on my phone that I never posted :).

- Recently my business got really busy. It always felt busy, but it got busier about 6 months ago and I decided that I can't do everything and do it well so I figured out what the most overwhelming task was around the house. Then I decided to get some help and God seriously brought me an angel. A neighbor lady in her 70's has started coming to our house on Monday mornings and doing the laundry. It has been a life-changer for me! It causes us to keep the house more tidy and organized because I know she's coming. We sort the laundry by person in the baskets below. She washes, dries and folds and leaves it in the basket by person and we put away. It is AWESOME and a huge BLESSING in my life right now!! I am going to cry when she goes to Florida for the winter! For real! She had just started coming right before we were robbed. Those first couple weeks were hard. She was such an encouragement to me. The Monday after the robbery she came in and hugged me and cried a little for me. I was so glad to see her that day and just have her presence in the house. She plugs her little radio in and sings. It is nice. She's a keeper!

- Uncle Rob came in town for a couple of days. Always a fun time! 


Jake always smiles and laughs a ton when he is with Rob. They are kindred spirits :). Lord help me!!

So, that is most of what we did in May and maybe some of April! I can't even remember. Things are non-stop around here and we are so excited for summer to come!

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