Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Father's Day, yes, I'm a week late on this! I am averaging about a week late on most things these days. I did want to write a special post about the great men in my life!

First off, my two brothers both became Fathers this year to little girls. We just LOVE Holly Anne and Allie!! So sweet and so adorable. It is so much fun to be an Aunt!

D.T. with Holly Anne

Rob with Allie

I was just saying at lunch today that I am so very happy that my children are blessed with two Grandfathers and one Great-Grandfasther! What fun to have a Grandpa.

Papaw with Abby who is not too sure about Scooby!

Grandpa D with Cara

Grandpa feeding Abby ice cream!

And of course, this guy...

From his first little guy

his first little girl

his second sweet girl

and now another precious boy to love

I love that about 9 years ago he realized the special place God has in His heart for little ones and for orphans!! I love that he is a big enough man to love and care for a child he did not "make". I love that no matter how busy he is at work he takes time to make each one feel special! He is a wonderful father and I'm so glad he is my kids Daddy!!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last week of school

The last week of school is all a blur now! It was so crazy busy that we all slept super late last Thursday. We were EXHAUSTED. Here's a quick run down of the week's activities...

Monday was field day - I signed Jeremy up to volunteer for this fun day :)! Can you tell Jake is still NOT a morning person?!
He perks up by the time he gets to school.

Tuesday was the class picnic. The highlight of this event was Jake introducing us. He pointed to us and said, "This is my Mom, my sisters and my foster."

On Wednesday we attended Jake's awards chapel service at school. This was long and a little boring for the girls, but we thought it was fun that Jake got the quality "Friendliness". He does enjoy friends, that's for sure.

We actually brought home one of Jake's friends from school that day because I saw him standing by the window crying. His Mom had left and didn't realize the kids were allowed to leave early that day. So, long story short, he came to Pizza Hut with us. It was lots of fun!

Since Jake's buddy Collin knew that the last day of school was Wednesday, he called me that morning to see if they could have a sleepover. These three boys have a great time together.

Lots of hanging, climbing and hiding in trees!

We've done lots of bike riding. Cara used her pre-school graduation money from Papaw, Nonie and Aunt Joanna to buy a bigger bike. It's a very pretty purple bike. She passed down her old, very used princess bike to Abby. Abby was very thankful and I overheard her say, "Thank you, Cara for giving me your princess bike."

Abby fell in love with a Hello Kitty bike at Wal-Mart and Mimi and Grandpa decided that she shouldn't have to have the hand me down bike and bought it for her.

It has a seat for her baby doll!!

And, of course, we have been spending our days at the pool!

Sweet little Allie is visiting us for the week (and her Mom!) and we are having so much fun!!

We LOVE summer!! I love my kids, I love my life.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cara's Last Day of Pre-School

Cara was super excited about her last day of school! She had a great year. She went from this...

to this...

What a blessing this lady was!!

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Praise the Lord...

The POOL is OPEN!!!

The girls and I had a blast picking out a swim suit for the baby. He looked so adorable in his froggy suit. He wasn't much for the water, but he sure did look cute!

Abby is all about the water this year. She can touch in the two foot!! This means that I can be move out of the baby pool area for the first time in 7 years. The baby will spend most of his time in the shade so I can sit in the front row this times :).

Of course, Cara has her little buddy, Ellie at the pool. This year she has Kate and Willow from pre-school to play with as well. Should be a great summer for her. She is also wanting to try swim team. We go tomorrow to buy suits and sign up. She met the coach today and is excited! I wonder if she will get off the block??

Somehow, I don't have one of Jake from opening day?! He is also glad to be at the pool, but I think he goes just to bug me all day long about going to the snack bar.

Countdown until schools out - 5 1/2 days!! Can't wait!!

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