Hidden Treasure
We had disappointing news from our agency this week. It is not looking like El Salvador will work out. We will likely have to start over with a new agency unless something big happens. Pray for us that God will help us to be patient. Another difficult thing for me this week was reviewing the file of a precious child in Taiwan. I didn't think that it would be a fit for our family, but reviewed anyway. That was my first file to go through and some of the things I read made me deeply sad. I called Jeremy and said, "Do you realize how much we don't have to deal with." We have three very healthy children. We love them and take care of them. They wake everyday knowing they are loved and they go to bed at night without fear for the next day. God has blessed us more than we even understand.
I know this will be a life changing journey. I don't know that I was quite prepared to venture into what the world can be like for an orphan.