Monday, January 10, 2011

My Grandpa Smith...

...has finished his journey here on earth. My Grandpa Scott Smith passed away peacefully on Monday morning. He reunited was with his sweetheart and his son Joel, my daddy. My grandpa was such an awesome man. He was easily loved by anyone who crossed his path. Scott was known as a great man of service. He would do anything for anyone who needed it. Grandpa had such a strong testimony of the gospel and a love for Jesus Christ. He loved to work in the temple as a sealer. But his greatest love was his Family...he has 8 kids, 5 girls and 3 boys. He has 30 grandkids and 50 plus great-grandkids! We keep multiplying! My grandpa and grandma always had a way to make each and every one of us feel special. They always made the effort to make all of our school and church functions. They would drive all over the country to do so. They would also call us on our birthdays every year. I am going to miss my grandpa very much but know he is in a much better place. He isn't suffering anymore and I'm sure he is smiling from ear to ear! I'm thankful for the example he was to me and my family. My husband loved him very much also. My girls have fond memories of Great Grandpa Smith that I'm sure they will cherish forever. "Grandpa, give my daddy a big hug from me ok? Tell him I love him very much and that we will be ok. Also, give grandma a hug and tell her thanks for the memories that we have of you and her. We will all be together again someday. Love you grandpa Smith and may you have the time of your life!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Future Cheerleader?

McKenna attended a cheer camp this week for several days. Well, last night they got to perform at half-time of the Lovell/Rocky varsity girls game. They performed 3 cheers and simple stunts. It was so fun to watch and was amazing to me what these little girls learned in such a short amount of time!
She is such a poser!

McKenna enjoyed learning different cheers and stunts that the cheerleaders perform.

They received a T-shirt, pom-poms, necklaces, bracelet, tattoo, and a megaphone!

McKenna is such a cutie and I enjoy watching her grow and learn new things. She may possibly be a future cheerleader!:)


I'm not sure how to change the middle part of my blog to match the background border. If any of you could tell me how that would be great.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Halloween Parties and Spooks!

Cleopatra and her fellow spooks!
Cleopatra, Punky Pirate, and Twisted Witch

Lil' Witch

Lil' Miss Punky

The Queen of Egypt

The Spooky Crew ready for Trick or Treatin'

This year for Halloween, Whitney and some of her 5th grade friends went Trick or Treating all by themselves. They are getting too old for moms to tag a long. :( They had a blast! Candida and I took the four younger ones around to collect their loot. I usually get pictures of the HUGE amount of candy they get but of course I forgot. I also forgot to take pictures of McKenna and her class at school during their halloween party. Oh well, can't capture everything. After everyone was done walking from house to house, we went back to The Jones' and had mummy dogs, apples and caramel, vegies, and icecream treats. Thanks Candida for the cool food! The girls were exhausted by the end of the night. That's the night that Whitney started to get sick. She was out of school the entire next week. SWINE FLU!! Poor Whitney! She was so sick.
Whitney and I are the only ones that have had it bad. McKenna was sick for two days. So I am waiting for Ruben and Abby to get it now. I'm crossing my fingers that they don't. But with our luck and all the germs going around, you never know. I hope that we are all well through the holidays!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Carving Pumpkins!

Dad helping carve the pumpkins.
McKenna cleaning out her pumpkin.


Whitney carving away at her pumpkin!

Pumpkin Carving Time!

Bike Safety!

The girls got to participate in a Bike Safety class given by the Lovell Police Department. It was held the morning of Halloween. They were really excited to attend although it was a very cold and windy day, they still enjoyed it. They also received a free bike helmet! They are not wearing them in these pics though. There were several volunteers there and different coarses that were taught to the kids about riding their bikes safely. They served cookies and hot chocolate. The LPD gave away 4 bikes. Two for the Elementary and two for the Middle School. All of the kids that participated in the bike safety that day got put into the drawing. The girls enjoyed it very much! Thanks to all of the people who helped put this together. More activities like this should happen more often.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Coming soon...

...I will actually be blogging about something! I know it's been 3 months and people are wondering why I haven't blogged in so long. Basically, "LIFE" has been it. It has been busy ever since school started. I will start back logging everything since August! I got a new laptop for my birthday and it is fast! My other computer just wasn't cutting it. It is very ssslllooowwwww. That is another reason why I gave it up for awhile. It would take forever for a picture to download and then half of the time it didn't work. So my awesome husband bought me a new one and I love it! So stay tuned cause I'm back in business!