Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cami and Mary Visit......

We were so excited Cami and Mary came to play with us last weekend. We had so much fun! There was never a dull moment. You name it we did it. We were outside most of the time. The weather was gorgeous, we even put the sprinkler under the tramp and got out the wading pool. We went to the park both days and just enjoyed a little vitamin E therapy. Cami, Kennedi and I got pedicures one day, Cami and I stayed up late talking, laughing, waxing eyebrows, and making cute Easter baskets...(I'll post those later). It was nice to have some girl time with my cute little sista. I can't believe I didn't even get one picture of you. Sorry Cami. What a fun weekend, thanks Cami and Mary for coming! We love you and miss you! Can't wait to see you at Easter! Mary at the park.

Maverick loves the swings.

Mary counting for hide and seek.....

Tyra hiding.

The kids loved picking Dandelions....


We had little crafts for them to paint. I love the concentration....


Kennedi wearing the apron they made at Christmas time with my Mom.

Kite Flying....

Cami brought these super cool kites she got from Costco. It was really windy on Saturday, a perfect day for kite flying.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Does anyone know how to make these cute tissue ball decorations?

Monday, March 9, 2009

I've Caught The Sewing Bug.......

While the boys all went to the Turkey Federation Banquet in Nephi last weekend I went to my Moms and helped Jenny sew this great bag. It is an Amy Butler pattern. I love all of Amy Butlers fabrics and patterns. They are so cute. I bought this pattern a while ago but had never attempted to sew one, so on Saturday, Jenny and I sewed one up. It was pretty easy and went quick with two of us. I just bought the fabric to make one for myself. I am so excited and can't wait to get it done! I LOVE this bag. I have to say I was quite proud of Jenny. She has never sewn, but is getting pretty handy with the sewing machine. Good job Jenny! I have also posted some of my latest sewing projects.

It is lined and has three pockets inside.

This is the cutest little baby blanket I made for a gift. This was so easy, and I love the jumbo rick rack! I have fabric to do a couple of boy ones that should be cute too.
I finally finished a couple of aprons, that we made for our little sewing group. It is the
Emmeline Apron. You can order the pattern on line here. It is reversible and so fun to sew. I am kind of addicted and have definitely caught the sewing bug. Here are some pics of the ones I have finished.
Apron #1 Side A

Side B

Apron #2 Side A
Side B

I am not very good at picking out fabric yet, but I am learning. I just wish it wasn't so dang expensive. I thought I would post some of the fabric I have gathered to make more of these cute little babies. Tell me what you think. I am going to make them for b-day gifts for my sisters and inn-laws, Thanks for the idea Jane, So Fun!!!

Fabric #1

Fabric #2

Fabric #3

Fabric # 4

WHAT IS UP?????????

What is up with blogger? I am having a hard time uploading photos to my blog. Anyone else having problems?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Service Auction.....

I am a little slow getting this post up. Last week for our Enrichment night we invited the men and had a "service auction" and dinner. It was so much fun! Thanks Mom for the idea.

Everyone donated some type of service or homemade item. Then they filled out a questionnaire (did you read your scriptures today, do your visiting teaching this month etc.) to earn points. The points worked like money to bid with! It was so fun watching people fight over certain items, and get so excited when they won the item they really wanted! These are some of the items that were brought to bid on. There were things from homemade salsa and jelly, bread, rolls etc. to handmade aprons, dish rags, greeting cards and service such as dry wall patching, gardening, baby sitting, house cleaning, fire arms training, just to name a few!

Our auctioneer at his finest trying to really "sale" the apron! Thanks Kregg for being such a good sport and helping us out. He did a great job!

Table decorations! The paper lanterns are battery operated and lit up! I didn't get a picture of the yummy food table but it was all delicious! I have to thank Christine, my friend on the commitee. I could never have done it without all of your help! Thanks everyone who helped to make the night such a great success!