Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Disneyland Rocks....

We had a great time in California last weekend. This was the first time we have ever gone to Disneyland with just our little family, and it was a wonderful trip. We went to Disneyland the first day, California Adventure the 2nd day, and then the Beach and Benihanna's for dinner on the 3rd day.

Kennedi was so excited to see Jessie. They have some common bond because they both have red hair. They do kind of look alike.

Waiting for the parade to start. The parades are my favorite part of Disneyland. They are so magical and fun.

They had some of the Christmas decorations up, but not all of them.

The kids loved looking for the characters and getting their autographs.

I thought this picture was great, especially since Justin has been dawning the lovely turnouts every Saturday while going through the fire academy. I think he's having a mid life crises and wants to be a firefighter (just volunteer on the side), the good news is that out of 10 weeks there are only 3 left! Hallelujah!

Yes, Tyra is in her Pj's. We went back to the hotel for dinner and a little siesta before returning to the park for the fireworks and Fantasmic show. The jammy's were actually a sensible choice considering 10 min. after the photo Tyra was out cold, and slept through everything.

Bugs Life was every ones favorite attraction. I thought Tyra and Mav would be scared, but they loved it and haven't quit talking about it.

How can you go to California and not visit the beach? Even if it is on the cold side. We went to Hunnington Beach and spent the day playing in the sand, making sand castles, jumping over waves, and chasing seagulls. It was a great day.

I had a hard time in the sandcastle building department. I broke the bucket we were using to mold the castle. Needless to say the kids were not too happy about that. It still turned out pretty cool.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catch Up.......

I have been having some technical difficulties with my computer, so I haven't posted anything for a while. I am playng catch up a little bit. We just got back from Disneyland! We had a wonderful trip! I will post about out trip in a couple of days. I wanted to catch up with our Halloween celebrations. No trick or treating or costumes for us this year! We got together with 4 families and went to Kolob (on church owned property we reserved) for Halloween. The kids were out of school that day so we left early and just spent the entire day in the mountains, riding 4 wheelers, doing the zip line, the shooting range, obstacle courses, telling ghost stories around the camp fire, and roasting smores. It was the best Halloween ever. None of my children were sad about missing trick or treating, and no candy (no hyper activity or cavities), no costumes (they didn't dress up at school either) Just plain old fashioned family fun! I want to make it a tradition! We had a great time.

Stetson and Kennedi had a blast riding around camp on this little 3 wheeler! The Covey's brought it up. I was so much fun.

Some of the girls on the four wheeler! They had a great time cruising around on all of the little trails.

Justin entertained the kids with ghost stories, although it ended up being more humorous than scary. The kids loved it.

Go Stetson! He loved the zip Line. It was super fun for the kids. Thanks Dave for bringing up all the gear!

Kennedi on the zip line.

Even Tyra got in on the action. She loved the zip line! Thanks Jeff for taking her on it.

The tire swing was Mavericks favorite part of the day. He loved swinging, and swung on them until his hands couldn't grip the rope anymore!.