Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Looky Lous

I found this activity on-line http://tentenspot.blogspot.com/2006/09/lookie-loos.html. i haven't made one yet but I thought it would be great for those car trips this summer. And a much easier version to make than the beanbag style with the clear window. If anyone makes one let me know how you like it. I might try to attempt to get one done in the next couple of days before we drive up to American Fork for Bo's wedding.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mesquite Days!!!!

Justin and Stetson were in Montana this weekend playing cowboy. (they were branding our cows we have up there). So while the boys were away the rest of us played. It was Mesquite days, and packed with fun! fun! fun! We went to the family fun night, which included several bounce houses, big slides, and entertainment! It was a kids paradise. They had a blast running from one thing to the next. I was exhausted by the end. Fireworks topped off the night. (I didn't get very good pics. I was shorthanded with Justin being gone.)

Saturday was the parade. Kennedi got to ride in the fire truck with her friend Becca and throw candy. She had a good time.

Oh yes, we even attempted the carnival. Kennedi was such a cute big sister to help Tyra on and off all the little rides.

I let Tyra play one game of duck pond. The "carny" guy was cute with her, and helped her pick a winner......

She won this elephant, which she hasn't put down, and named her Ally.

Mav. was such a good boy. He hung out in the stroller the whole time! At the end he was hollywood!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I love this suit for babies!!!!

So I took Maverick and Tyra swimming at the rec. center the other day. They both have these begin to swim flotation suits from speedo. It was Mavericks first time in his. Tyra is all over the pool, and at first Maverick didn't want me to let go of him and was a little hesitant. By the time we left he had figured out how to balance in the water and really use his arms and legs (basically dog paddle). He was completely independent in the water and didn't want me to even touch him! These suits are awesome for babies. We have used them with Stetson as well, when the kids get a little bigger you can reduce the buoyancy by not inflating all the air pockets so they have to work harder and eventually they are on their own! If you are interested you can find them at http://www.speedousa.com in their begin to swim section or at Target (they were cheaper at Target but limited size selection).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Seat Belt Bag...

So I saw the coolest diaper bag the other day. A friend of a friend had one of these seat belt bags. I immediately fell in love with this super durable and way cool bag! BUT, I am too cheap to pay $200.00 for a diaper bag. So I have done some research and found an auto supplier that sells seat belt webbing on-line for .50 cents a yard. I also found some instructions on-line. The only problem is I don't know how to sew very well, let alone put in a zipper and such! If anyone is up for the task and would like to give it a try I will help, share info, and even pay a reasonable amount for anyone who wants to help me try to make one! I don't know, maybe I'm crazy for even attempting it! What do you think?

Friday, April 18, 2008

I Finally Found Cute Modest Dresses!!!

I found this dress from http://mikarose.com/ for Bo's wedding. They have tons of cute, modest dresses reasonably priced!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Trip to Utah!

The weekend started out with Laurens bridal shower. I was so busy visiting and catching up with family and friends that I forgot to take any pictures! Agh- that is so not like me! Anyways this is the cute invitation Mom made for the shower. Jenny volunteered to hold it at their beautiful house! We had yummy food, tied the cutest quilt for them, and had a great time visiting! It was fun, and good to see everyone.

Congratulations Matt and Cami!!!!! The highlight of the weekend was when Matt and Cami were sealed in the temple with their two precious children! It was the neatest thing to see their family all in white in the temple and to know they can be together for eternity! An amazing moment I am so glad I was able to be a part of. It was so great to see Mary and Will! Mary looked like a little princess in her cute white dress. Cami was even brave enough to venture out of the house with Will. We enjoyed playing and seeing them all week-end!

Don't ask about this picture! This is my Mom at her finest, in all of her glory, showing up at the Hansen family party with this dude (don't ask). It was so funny. Grandpa was laughing so hard he had tears! That brings me to the Hansen Spring Party! It was so much fun. Since Easter was so early they postponed the party to a later, warmer date.

Charee and Celeste went to a lot of work, and did an awesome job. They hid a bag of candy for each grandchild.

The girls made these cute little purses. And the boys made bug jars, which my kids were busy all weekend hunting bugs to put in their jars. They were both so cute and fun! Thanks Celeste! And who can forget the pinata to end the party. It was a great time!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Can You Find Tyra?????????????

I came home from running errands all day is St. George. Justin had watched all the kids. They played hard all day, and the house was trashed (they had been having a real party). Maverick was asleep on the floor under the curtains but I couldn't find Tyra. After searching for a few minutes I started getting worried, but Justin wasn't so I knew she was just hiding. Finally I looked in her room for the fourth time and could hear her breathing. I searched in the closet, under the bed, on the bed, no Tyra. I was puzzled! Then out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was her curly hair. Sure eneough, she had crawled up in the chair full of stuffed animals, as it always is, and had fallen asleep ~naked mind you, (they had been swimming.) After I found her I was able to laugh about it, but I sure was about ready to call the police! Moral of the story, when Justin tends kids they play hard, have fun, and land where they may!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Crazy Week At School!!!!

For reading week at school they have a theme for each day. This day was crazy hat day! The kids picked their hats themselves! Stetson is doing some goofy cross eyed thing that he thinks is cool, anyway his hat is my dads old "Stetson" hat he used to wear in the 80's. He gave it to Stetson. Stets thinks it's cool because it was grandpas old cowboy hat and it has his name in it!! Thanks Dad for the cool hat. Kennedi wore our traditional Happy Birthday hat and even coordinated it with her Tye dye dress she made last summer! It turned out pretty good. She did the whole thing herself! (we love to Tye dye and do it every summer!)

Crazy hair day! You can see how enthusiastic Kennedi was for the picture! he he he. Justin helped her with her hair. I think it turned out pretty good! They have a bunch of crazy ponytails all over in the back too. Then she isisted on trying to color it with markers! Don't ask, it's an idea she got from her cousin Camri. I did Stetsons exactly how HE wanted it. We dyed the middle blue with kool-aid! (I found directions on -line). Yikes I don't know if it will come out!? If not there is always clippers. The sides we spiked with red washable hair gel! He thought he was the coolest thing ever! A real punk rocker! The kids have really had fun with reading week and participating in all of the activities the school did all week! It has been fun!