Friday, February 29, 2008

The Carnival Came to Town!!!!

Stetson (age 6) made all of the signs! They were posted all through the house with arrows directing us to the "carnival".
Kennedi made and sold the tickets that we had to have for all the games!

This is just one of the many fun games they had set up. Stetson made up this one. We had to throw a tennis ball at the cups and try to knock them over!

This is my attempt at the game. We were in my Pilates room/storage room hence all the totes and boxes that need to go out to the garage to be put away, add it to my never ending to do list.

This is what I got the biggest kick out of, the prize table. Yes that is my tooth brush, colored hair gel, cookies I had just made, and some other household items how funny is that?!

Don't you just love how creative kids can be? Kennedi and Stetson had spent all afternoon setting up their "carnival". They had signs to show the way and if they were open or closed, they had tickets, different attractions, and prizes!! Justin and I were the carnival goers and had such a fun time! I remember doing stuff like this when I was a kid. I can't figure out what happened to all of those creative juices though, maybe it's because as we grow to adults we are inhibited more by our fears of failing, or of what other people will think. Oh to be young again and spending hours playing school, house, putting on plays, or what ever other crazy idea we would come up with. What great memories to look back on so fondly. I bet my Mom and Dad had a few chuckles at us kids too!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lunch Bunch and........Roasting Hot Dogs

Once a month we have a lunch date with what ever ladies in the ward that can come. We had a fun group! We ate at Los Lupes, it is the best little Mexican Restaurant around. The chips and salsa are to die for! It is a great time to get to know some of the ladies a little bit better. We had a fantstic time just talking and laughing.

Some of my fun friends from lunch! Claudia, Tara, Keri, Christine(and Dagen). I had a great time, and I am looking forward to next month!
Justin and Maverick are getting ready to do some serious hot dog roasting! We spent the day cleaning up the yard, so to celebrate a hard days work we had a hot dog roast in the back yard! The kids got to invite 1 friend each over to party with us. They had a blast with Saul and Ariel (bro. and sister). We all had a great time, and especially loved the Smores. I have to admit they were pretty good! (We use the fudge stripe cookies instead of gram crackers) Yum!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ludvigson Family

Take this test!
Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses. Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice — impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Kennedi's Tribute to Stetson

This is some art work Kennedi drew for Valentines Day. She just brought it home yesterday. I thought it illustrated her tribute to Stetson beautifully. When she read her tribute to me I started crying. It is so sweet and tender. I will cherish it forever. I have to share it with all of you, so here you go, and have a great day!

My Brother Stetson Is Special
By Kennedi Ludvigson; Feb. 2008
My brother is so special to me. Stetson loves me because I'm his sister. I'm always by his side. I really like it when he shows love to me.
Stetson is a very helpful person. Because he helps me clean my room. Whenever I'm sick or I'm not happy he helps me feel better. I think he helps people a lot, but I know he helps me so much.
He also is a fun person. He makes me laugh a lot. He also enjoys life. To me I think he is always a fun person. My brother has always loved me. I know he will never stop loving me. Happy Valentines Day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Twilight Movie Cast Announced

Cast to movie Twilight by Stephany Meyer is announced! I absolutely love these books, and can't wait for the fourth one to come out in August. Thanks for the post Leslie, I had to pass along the info.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Winter in Mesquite, You Gotta Love It Baby!!!!

We are heading off to McDonalds for lunch! Tyra and Mav are in the bike cart.
This picture is in our backyard. We were watching the sky divers and golfers.

Wow! What wonderful weather we had this weekend (65 degrees). We spent all day outside on Saturday. We first rode our bikes to McDonalds for lunch. The kids thought this was pretty cool. Tyra and Maverick are in the bike trailer and the other kids ride with us. It is so fun having our baby old eneough to go with us on these kinds of outings. Then we went and watched the professionals race their motor bikes. Mesquite has a great track, and people come from all over to race. It was pretty exciting, we even got to see a crash (no one was injured thank goodness). After that we went to the park and played football and baseball. Tyra loved the swings and didn't want to get out. We had such a fun day outside playing with our little family. Oh, and we live with a view of the hill the airport is on and they were skydiving all day. We could sit and watch them jump out of the plane, freefall, and watch their formations and then their shoots open and land! That was pretty cool too! Justin wants to go skydiving some day, I think he is crazy! If any of you are sick of the cold and snow you're welcome to come and visit anytime!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!

Happy Valentines Day! I love Valentines Day. It is so nice to have a day to show how much I love my little family, I just don't say it as much as I should. The kids are holding their valentine boxes for school. We made them at home and the kids think they are a masterpiece. Well thats all for now! Hug someone today! Love the luds.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mexican Riviera Cruise!!!!!

This is our whole group! Thanks Allen, Jill, Shari, and Dave for a fabulous time! We'll have to do it again soon! We had a blast!!

They had a rock wall on the ship (Royal Carribean Vision of the Seas). We climbed it a few times and progressively got harder and harder colors of grips! It was a great challenge, and lots of fun!

Our friend Allen heading out to Zip through the jungle!

Our last port was Peurto Vallarta. This was my favorite day. We did did an adventure where you zip line through the canopy trees in the jungle! It was so thrilling. There were 14 lines. The longest was 400 meters and 180 meters high! It was so fun! I wanted to come back the next day and do it all over again! Our friends Jill and Allen (Alvin) is his new nickname the mexican guides gave him! So funny! It has already started to stick.Anyway they came with us. It was a blast!

This picture was taken up at an old light house/lookout point in Mazatlan. That Iguanna was huge! I'm not much of a reptile fan, so this is me being very brave! Thats all Justin could do was touch it. He is such a whimp when it comes anything with scales! He usually screams like a little girl! But don't tell him I said that he will deny it to his grave!

Our Second port was Matzatlan. We had two other couples that went with us. We all rented scooters! That was quite an adventure in itself. But so Much fun! We just rode all over town, did a little shopping and ate lunch on the beach! Jill has a few battle wounds from scooter day! She had a hard time at first, way to hang in there Jill!

We ate lunch on the beach at a resteraunt called "Panchos" It was the best Mexican food I've ever had. Yummy!!

Justin relaxing at the most amazing resort in Cabo!

We got home yesterday from our cruise. We were gone a week, and had so much fun! Our first port was Cabo San Lucas. We took a glass bottom boat out to Lovers Beach, snorkled, and saw the sealions. We spent the afternoon laying in the sun at this amazing resort right on the beach. It was paradise.