Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun Enrichment Night!

Christine Memmott, Jennifer Tichenor, Kenna Toone, Tara Tobler, Mindy Hughes, Jessica Tichenor

For enrichment night this month we had a purse themed night. We decorated with cute little gift bag purses, tissue paper and balloons. Everyone weighed in their purses, we gave prizes for the heaviest and lightest. We had an on-time drawing. Played Purse Pursuit. Ladies got points for having certain things in their purse. Most odd object in a purse...... WE had a bottle of BBQ sauce, a softball, a certified turtle babysitter card( seriously, this exists???). We laughed and had a great time. The food was delicious. We made a yummy Waldorf pasta salad, fruit, vegetables and the the best desert ever. The deserts were only 65 cal. I included a picture and recipe at the end of the post. We heard wonderful speakers( who spoke about the different purses we carry at different times in out lives, and how to find "JOY in the Journey"). A special thanks to my committee (Mary Bradshaw, Christine Memmott, and Melanie Cohen) that helped make the night a success.

Christine Memmott ( committee member) Heidi Ogden, Jill Jones (speaker), and Mindy West(speaker).

Kendra, Tawnya, and Kaylee Williams

I am not sure what the cute little lady on the left, Marlene Jones (RS Pres.), Penny Stratton (sewing specialist)

Julie Clemens

She only has a diaper bag so she borrowed her 2 year olds Cinderella Purse for the evening. So funny!

Shondi Bohne, and Rhonda Bales

Keri Leavitt, Clarean Leavitt, and Gina Zarate

We ate them frozen and they were so yummy. They are a lot of work, but look and taste fabulous.

Mexican Cheese Danish
1Tb. Splenda or sugar
1tsp. cinnamon
1 C. skim milk
1 package vanilla pudding mix, sugar free instant
8oz. Cream Cheese, light
2C. Cool Whip lite thawed
1 sq. semisweet chocolate
10 flour tortillas-cut into fourths
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Mix sugar and cinnamon.
Spray Tortilla shells with non-stick cooking spray.
Sprinkle each tortilla with scant 1/2 tsp. splenda, cinnamon mixture.
Turn tortillas over, repeat the process.
Cut each tortilla into 4 wedges.
Stand rounded edge of each tortilla in bottom of muffin curling up the sides , or form a cone shape by wrapping around a cream horn tube, secure the cones edge by inserting a toothpick. Bake 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned and crispy. Remove toothpicks while still warm. Cool in pan.
Pour milk into large mixing bowl. Add pudding mix. Beat at low speed with electric mixer until well blended, 1 to 2 min. Beat in cream cheese at medium speed until smooth.
Gently stir in whipped topping. Refrigerate at least 1 hour. To serve fill each cone with scant 3Tbs. filling using pastry bag or spoon.
Place Chocolate in Ziploc. Microwave on high 1 min or until chocolate is melted. Snip off corner of bag and drizzle over desserts.
Can be frozen, thaw in refrigerator as needed.
Serves 20.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Break...

For spring break I took the kids up to my Mom and Dads in American Fork. We had a great time. One of the highlights was our tour of the Sweets candy factory in Salt Lake. We actually saw candy being made, and got free samples. The kids and adults really enjoyed it. If you are in the area I would highly recommend going. Other than that the kids just played, played, played! Cami and I cooked a turkey Easter dinner, which turned out fabulous. One thing the Hansen's have down to an art, is roasting the most juicy succulent turkeys~ I guess that comes with raising them for years! Then we went to the Hansen's Easter party at the farm. It was the funnest party ever. I knew it would be, my Mom was in charge, and boy does she through a great partay! Here are some pictures I snapped at the party! Dalton, playing the quarter in the butt cheek game! This was so hilarious. We had three teams and 2 minutes. The object was to squeeze a quarter in your butt cheeks and walk down to the bucket and drop the quarter in. If your quarter dropped before the bucket you had to go back and start over. It was pretty funny.

We had a huge Easter egg hunt.

Tyra was after that candy hard core. She was climbing in the pine trees after it!

Mom handing out prizes to Ellie and Haylie.

Oaklie, giving the pinata a good hit.

Tyra, Mary, Sage, and Lauren

The little kids had a parachute with each of their names inside a plastic egg. They would ripple it and the last egg on got a prize. Then the kids were assigned animals and when their animal was called they would run under and trade spots. They absolutely loved it!

For the older kids we played the stick game. Everyone had a dowel and formed a large circle. When the whistle blew they had to leave their stick and grab their neighbors before it fell. This was fun too. They also played four square! Super fun games. Thanks mom for a great party and all of your hard work planning it!


Happy Belated Easter! This year for Easter it was during our spring break so we went up to my Mom and Dads to play with cousins and family! I am so grateful for my wonderful family! They are the best! I love spring time with all of it's awe and wonder of new life budding everywhere I look. It gives me a renewed sense of well being. I am so grateful for my savior and the gift of the atonement.

It was a great time. These are just a few of the pictures I took on Easter Morning. Cami and Jenny and I all made each of the kids these Easter Baskets. They were fun to make and kind of relaxing too.

Kennedi was last to find her basket. I a closet down stairs.

Stetsons was in a dorm fridge mom and dad had in storage downstairs.

Tyra! She loves puzzles and is really good at them!

Maverick was so fun this year....

The Easter Bunny left a trail of whopper eggs coming up the stairs and spelled "Luds" out of the eggs. Maverick went up and down the stairs about 20 times until he had collected a pile of colorful bunny poop!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We Won!!!!!!!

Justin and I golfed in a tournament on Saturday with Polly (a loan officer) and Robby (her son). It was a four man scramble and we took first place!!! We each won $100.00. Not only did we win, but I got my first birdie on a par 4. This was an amazing feat because I'm not very good at golf. We were all screaming with delight, and jumping on the green (oops) I didn't care I was amazed at myself. With all of the commotion you would have thought I hit a hole in one. Anyway it was a really fun day, and gorgeous weather. Now if only we could win our softball tournament tonight! Oasis Golf Course (we live on the number 1 green)

Up on an elevated tee box. Nice view!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cami and Mary Visit......

We were so excited Cami and Mary came to play with us last weekend. We had so much fun! There was never a dull moment. You name it we did it. We were outside most of the time. The weather was gorgeous, we even put the sprinkler under the tramp and got out the wading pool. We went to the park both days and just enjoyed a little vitamin E therapy. Cami, Kennedi and I got pedicures one day, Cami and I stayed up late talking, laughing, waxing eyebrows, and making cute Easter baskets...(I'll post those later). It was nice to have some girl time with my cute little sista. I can't believe I didn't even get one picture of you. Sorry Cami. What a fun weekend, thanks Cami and Mary for coming! We love you and miss you! Can't wait to see you at Easter! Mary at the park.

Maverick loves the swings.

Mary counting for hide and seek.....

Tyra hiding.

The kids loved picking Dandelions....


We had little crafts for them to paint. I love the concentration....


Kennedi wearing the apron they made at Christmas time with my Mom.

Kite Flying....

Cami brought these super cool kites she got from Costco. It was really windy on Saturday, a perfect day for kite flying.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Does anyone know how to make these cute tissue ball decorations?

Monday, March 9, 2009

I've Caught The Sewing Bug.......

While the boys all went to the Turkey Federation Banquet in Nephi last weekend I went to my Moms and helped Jenny sew this great bag. It is an Amy Butler pattern. I love all of Amy Butlers fabrics and patterns. They are so cute. I bought this pattern a while ago but had never attempted to sew one, so on Saturday, Jenny and I sewed one up. It was pretty easy and went quick with two of us. I just bought the fabric to make one for myself. I am so excited and can't wait to get it done! I LOVE this bag. I have to say I was quite proud of Jenny. She has never sewn, but is getting pretty handy with the sewing machine. Good job Jenny! I have also posted some of my latest sewing projects.

It is lined and has three pockets inside.

This is the cutest little baby blanket I made for a gift. This was so easy, and I love the jumbo rick rack! I have fabric to do a couple of boy ones that should be cute too.
I finally finished a couple of aprons, that we made for our little sewing group. It is the
Emmeline Apron. You can order the pattern on line here. It is reversible and so fun to sew. I am kind of addicted and have definitely caught the sewing bug. Here are some pics of the ones I have finished.
Apron #1 Side A

Side B

Apron #2 Side A
Side B

I am not very good at picking out fabric yet, but I am learning. I just wish it wasn't so dang expensive. I thought I would post some of the fabric I have gathered to make more of these cute little babies. Tell me what you think. I am going to make them for b-day gifts for my sisters and inn-laws, Thanks for the idea Jane, So Fun!!!

Fabric #1

Fabric #2

Fabric #3

Fabric # 4