Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quilt Exchange And So Much More

It may have been a while since I have posted but at least this one will have lots of photos...and not all will be of the new puppy!

We will start with the quilt reveal at the neighbors. Here is the quilt that Cindy made for Linnea. 
This was the one I received from Sally. You can't tell from this picture but the black and white blocks are a print of women with purses and various adult beverages. It is all flannel and very snuggly. 

This is Nadine's from her sister, Linnea. The main print is a shoe print in red and black and white. Nadine does love her shoes!

Mary wasn't able to be there that night but I got word that she did like this blue and yellow lap quilt that I made for her.

I think you can tell from this picture that Sally was pleased with her quilt from Mary. It was the only really big quilt that evening but it seems Mary doesn't know how to make a small quilt!
Sally just wanted to cuddle up in it!
Last, but not least was Cindy's quilt from Nadine. it was the third with the red and black theme!
Little Ginger slept through most of the reveal on my lap. (I said they wouldn't all be of her, but there has to be a few!)
Last Sunday, we welcomed my new grandson, Karl Andrew into the family. We didn't care whether he was a boy or a girl but we all were hoping for red hair and we got that! 
Here he is shortly after he got home from the hospital, stretching out.
This one was taken when he was a couple days old. A request from a friend's 2 year old for a picture of the baby with me.
My eldest daughter and the grandkids came for the 4th of July and here is my granddaughter holding her little cousin. She thought he was pretty awesome!
My oldest holding the puppy back. Ginger gets pretty excited about the baby.
I made tie-dyed shirts for all three of the kids so here is that photo op. The baby was awake and happy for the occasion even!
Mandu and Ginger wanted to be a part of the excitement.

Kissing Cousins!
We celebrated Clara's birthday last night since we won't be with her for her real birthday. She was pleased with her birthday cake since she is very interested in plants.
Here is the picture from the end of May next to a picture I took this morning before the kids headed home. See how much Ginger has grown!
Our final baby/puppy picture was take this morning. I was cuddling the baby and Ginger really needed to get up close. She really wants to play with that little baby but no one will let her so she has to be satisfied with some snuggles, albeit restrained snuggles.
I have been enjoying being able to get back outside again. I have even roto-tilled the garden twice. The first time with our old roto-tiller that hubby repaired a couple of weeks ago and then with the brand new tiller. The garden isn't weed-free but I think we can tame it still. The strawberries are about done and the raspberries have taken their place! I bought a couple of boysenberry bushes last year and discovered this week that they are actually very healthy raspberries! So a little later this fall I will transplant them into the raspberry row and I will have to look for boysenberry bushes elsewhere!

Yesterday I decided it was time to prune the 'jungle' across from the deck. It is an old planting of lilacs, beauty bush, mock orange, forsythia, and a couple of other types of bush. I usually prune them to some degree each year but the last two years it wasn't too drastically due to health issues. They are done blooming so it was time again and I did about half of it yesterday. There are now three distinct bushes of lilac, beauty bush and forsythia on the right side. It looked a lot like the left side before I got started. 
Clearing out allowed us to see a bunch of junk at the end of the garage so hubby was inspired to clean it up a bit and put that gate there to hide the propane tank that is used to heat the shop. Through the bushes you can see the chairs we've been sitting in watching the puppy play and also the garage shed. Once I finish the pruning we will look into getting bark to spread underneath. We might have to pull the old bathtub out of there also and put it in a better spot. My vision for that is for it to be a water feature with a shower head spraying down.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Long 10 Weeks

I didn't realize that I hadn't posted since right after my surgery! 

That is 10 weeks ago now and as of Tuesday I am done with crutches and walking on my own. It was a long 10 weeks though! At 2 weeks I went back to the doctor and got the huge splint off. The nurse who cleaned up my incision commented that the doctor's notes from the surgery described me as 'a relatively healthy female who is quite stoic' which I thought was funny at first but I realized that in doctor-speak it basically means I won't admit that I have pain. Which isn't true. 

Anyway, the doc was pleased with how things looked and I got an ace bandage wrap and a fancy boot with orders for no weight bearing for 4 more weeks when I would see him again. I also had to wait a couple more days before I could get my foot wet and I had to wear the boot anytime I was up and about and at night. When I was laying around I was allowed to take off the boot and ace bandage and move my ankle. I was finally able to sleep in a real bed again too.

I went back to work on my regular schedule and was able to drive thanks to my daughter and SIL trading cars with me. I got the old minivan back and they got my Prius so I could load my scooter up behind the driver's seat. It was so nice to start being independent again, at least a little.

When I went back to the doctor, he said I could start putting 50% of my weight on my foot for 2 weeks and then up it to 75% for another two weeks and as I said before, I am now totally off the crutches. I have a bit of a limp as I work to get the swelling down and stretch all those muscles that had a 10 week vacation and it does hurt some, but it isn't the ankle that hurts, it is my calf and various muscles in my foot. 

My family was great during my recuperation. Yes, even my son! He made my mocha most mornings and brought me food and other items I couldn't carry using crutches or scooter. My daughter worked at getting the garden prepared and planted and also planted my geranium starts in pots on the deck and kept everything watered. She has also been picking the strawberries the last week or so and there are a lot of strawberries again this year! Hubby and SIL were busy with work but helped me and picked up the slack where they could. Friends and co-workers were great as well!

A lot has been going on in the last weeks. First and foremost, we are waiting for our newest grandchild. Our daughter, who lives right here is having her first baby! It is due in the next week or so. She has been driving school bus all school year but decided to take maternity leave for the last two weeks of school. It was starting to get uncomfortable driving bus for longer periods. I have gone to three baby showers for them and it has been quite fun getting to know her work friends and church friends and SIL's family a bit more. 

I have been missing Lucy and started looking for a new puppy while I recuperated. I knew I couldn't get one until I was more mobile so I could work on the house training but I was looking. I discovered that finding a miniature poodle in our area was not so easy. There are lots of them in other parts of the country but not up here in the NW corner. I had almost given up and starting looking at some other options when I found some about 2 1/2 hours away. I called one Sunday and Hubby and I jumped in the car and headed out. We fell in love as soon as we saw the 8 week old red female and we were able to bring her home that day. Here are a few pictures, okay, a bunch of pictures. As I said we have fallen in love!

Here is Ginger with her daddy shortly after she came home.

Taking a nap a few days after she came home.

So tired she was sleeping sitting up.

As you can see, she spent a lot of time sleeping those first couple of weeks.

Chewing on one of her favorite toys, Lambchop.

Just lounging.

The grandkids with the new puppy. They think we made a good choice.

A few moments of peace with her 'cousin',  Kinzie, a labradoodle puppy a few weeks older.

Again with the napping!

Cuddling with my oldest daughter.
Ginger is a great puppy and has definitely bonded well with me but is very social and loves pretty much everyone. She has had opportunities to meet several other dogs and cats. First there was Mandu, our son's Maltese dog, followed by our resident cats. She met my boss' dogs, a Weimaraner and a Springer Spaniel and then our daughter arrived with her 90+ pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Ginger was a little scared at first but then decided that big dog was very cool. She wanted to play but whenever Sophia stood up she changed her mind! Just a couple days after Sophia left, Ginger met my sister's new puppy, Kinzie. She is a labradoodle 3-4 weeks older than Ginger and at least twice her size. It started out a little rocky but by the end of the visit they were well on the road to being friends.

Well, that brings you all up to date on me and the family. I hope I can get another post done tomorrow sharing the quilts that were exchanged in our Craft Night Group a week or so ago.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Deed Has Been Done

Surgery, that is. 

Once surgery was scheduled I had to get busy and get things done in preparation. The weather didn't cooperate too much but I did get the apple trees pruned (yes, I used a ladder while wearing a walking boot) and I got some yard clean-up done. I also got some extra work done at the office so taking time off wouldn't be too bad. Then I tackled some sewing room work. I got some quilting done so I would have 2 bindings to do and then got some other projects prepared for hand-sewing. 

Last Tuesday, my husband and I headed to Seattle and celebrated our 32nd anniversary at a fancy hotel about 5 blocks from the hospital. At 8:30 the next morning I checked in at the hospital and the doctors and nurses took over. The surgery went well. They ended up having to cut my tibia to do the work on my talus so I have a plate and several screws holding that together along with two 'large' cadaver plugs and some grafting material in the talus. I had a nerve block to numb my foot following the procedure so I didn't have any pain that first night.

A young friend who lives in Seattle came for a visit since Larry had gone home to be ready for work on Thursday. She stayed until I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. 

I had some nausea Wednesday afternoon/evening but was able to eat some crackers followed by a sandwich that night. Slept well other than disruptions from the usual hospital stuff along with a roommate whose husband spent the night (he snored some). She had an ankle replacement and was on self-administered morphine. She continued to be nauseous and the husband was sure it was because she needed coffee because they are big coffee drinkers. It didn't matter that the nurses told them that morphine can cause stomach upset! I could have told them that from my experience two years ago following surgery!

In the morning I had a 'nice' breakfast and waited for Jakob to arrive to take me home. The doctors came in and showed me pictures (x-rays) of the before and after showing the hole and the plates and screws. I was told the numbness should start wearing off but it wasn't until about 11 or so that I could barely wiggle one toe! I hadn't been taking any pain meds since it didn't hurt but I had a couple of tylenol for the trip home, just in case.

When I got home my niece was here to hang out and to quilt some quilts. She had 11 basted and ready to go. She also brought along Jack, the dog she is baby-sitting. He is a long-haired chihuahua and is very sweet. Between Jack and Mandu I was well entertained with a veritable circus on me!

The numbness had worn off by bedtime so I took some oxycodone to ease that so I could sleep. Turns out, the reason you take that every 3 hours is because that is all the longer it lasts so I woke up every three hours needing another. 

In the morning I switched to tylenol but didn't have much pain. Mostly it gets uncomfortable after being in one position for too long and now I am off the meds totally. 

My knee scooter is the best thing - so much easier than crutches! Luckily when we remodeled the house we made sure the hall and doorways were wide for wheelchair options and it makes it very easy for me to get around. 

My husband, kids and friends have been wonderful taking care of me. Yesterday I even got to go to work for a couple of hours for staff meeting and a visit and then spent a while out on the deck in the sunshine.
I am glad I had the surgery so that hopefully I will have better, if not full, use of my ankle again but I do hate being laid up, especially in the spring when there is so much that could be done outside!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Quilt Retreat!

Well, the denim quilt class went well. We had a great group and had lots of fun. In the end I brought home four half done quilts to finish and several people took the pieces home to finish theirs. I finished those four tops over the next week or so.

I have been spending a lot of time going to the doctor and working which hasn't allowed for much time in the sewing room. Adding to that I have found that I get tired more quickly because of my foot issues. The doctor that I saw after the MRI recommended I get another opinion from the doctors at the University of Washington so I made an appointment there. That doctor wanted me to get a CT Scan to compliment the MRI so another two weeks went by. I got the CT Scan and saw the doctor again on Tuesday. The CT Scan showed that I have a divot in my talus and that the little step-up on the top of the talus is starting to damage the cartilage on my tibia. So the decision has been made for me to have surgery that will put a cadaver (I know that is kind of strange) bone and cartilage plug into my talus. The surgery will happen on April 2 and then I will be laid up for quite a while. I will not be able to put any weight on my ankle for at least 6 weeks and then limited activity for 6 more weeks. Not sure how long I will be stuck at home but I am starting to work on getting things in place so I don't go nuts. I will be able to work from home to a certain extent and I have a number of hand sewing projects to work on. The most frustrating part is not being able to do much in my yard again this year!

This past weekend I was able to go to quilt retreat with my sister. We missed the one in October due to other things going on that month and we both were really needing that time away. I was amazed at how much I got done.

I arrived on Wednesday afternoon and had the room to myself so I was able to get focused. While I watched a movie and listened to music I got my first quilt top done. It was this baby quilt which I finished the next day so that I could give it to a camp staffer at her baby shower on Saturday.
My next project was another denim quilt using black, white, gray and a few red squares. I think it turned out great!
That top was done by Friday afternoon and I got started on the next ones. This time I had enough of the navy, cream and light blue plaid twills to make two tops so I worked on both at the same time. Those were done by Saturday evening (even with going to the shower and having the grandkids visit for a few hours. Here is one of those two tops.

While the grandkids were visiting I let them help me get started on another denim top. Let's just say it was crazy! Here is a picture of the four of us working on the quilt. The kids took turns handing me pieces, snipping the pieces to be pressed and pressing (with their mom's supervision). They had a great time! We might be able to finish that top this next week as they will be visiting for their spring break. I am hoping for some decent weather so they can also spend some time outside.

Saturday I pulled out this One Block Wonder project I started about a year ago. This one needed dark green strips between the blocks so I had to figure that one out. I stayed up until 11:30 to get the top together. I think this will be the bluegrass festival quilt in light of my upcoming surgery. 
My son has been back at home since August along with his little Maltese, Mandu. A couple of weeks ago he dropped her off at my office while he went to the gym. She will probably come to work with me sometimes when he is in Korea (or wherever he goes to teach English) so this was a little test. The test showed that she is going to need some training for it to work! She likes to be on your lap and in the middle of everything which makes it hard to get much done! Here she is looking over the top of my desk to see what is going on outside the door. Gotta say, it is awfully cute!
When I left for the quilt retreat I looked at my flowerbeds and the almost blooming daffodils and when I came home I was greeted by lots and lots of beautiful flowers! Spring really is coming!
I started wearing my boot again so that my foot doesn't hurt as much. Today I wore it to work and when I got home since my foot was feeling pretty good I decided to spend some time out in the yard. I kept the boot on and managed to get quite a bit of work done and as a result, every part of my body besides my foot is tired! The rain is supposed to return tomorrow so I need to take my moments in the sun when I can to get a little done outside!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Few Accomplishments

I am not excited about getting moving and accomplishing anything yet this morning so I will share what I have been up to in the sewing room in the last month or so.

Over Christmas, when my sewing room was turned into a guest room, I pulled out a quilt 'kit' I had made up for quilt retreat and sewed up this top out in the great room on one of my Singer 301s in a cabinet. I really like how it turned out and will probably use it for the quilt exchange with the ladies at Tuesday evening craft night.
It looks especially nice against my great room's yellow walls with the Bing and Grondahl plates hanging above.

This next item is the table runner I made with the leftover One Block Wonder blocks that I used for my neighbor's Christmas table topper. 
After I had the top of this put together, I discovered one more block hiding in the sewing room and it was used on the back. Now I have a nice Christmas gift on hand or something to add to the sales table at the next bazaar.

Also over Christmas I finally figured out where to put a cool hook I found at a garage sale. Hubby got it installed and then I started the hunt for a hanging pot to put my spider plant in. Interestingly enough, nobody is selling hanging pots or any appropriate pots at this time of year. I came home from one shopping excursion and looked over my old pots outside and found this yellow one from the 70s. I had to do some scrubbing but it isn't too bad. Plant hangers are also not out there anywhere (even the thrift store) so I set about finding some sort of cord to see if I still have any macrame skills. Struggled to find cord too, but finally found this dark brown jute last Saturday and was able to whip up this hanger in about an hour. 
Nothing fancy but it turned out pretty nicely I think!

Next Saturday I will be teaching a class for the guild on the stained glass denim quilts so I had my son haul all the denim out of the attic and I pulled out what was stashed around the sewing room and started ripping and cutting it up in preparation for the class.  You see, my goal is to get rid of the denim that I have so I am offering the class for $10 per person and I am providing the fabric for the top. All the tops that are made will then go to the guild's Community Quilt program and likely from there to graduating foster kids in our county. As a bonus, the money will all go to Relay for Life. There were boxes and bags and bins full of denim. I have enough squares cut for 10 quilts so far and a couple of ladies from the guild have taken a couple of boxes of denim and ripped and cut for me also. Today I need to get started on figuring out the lesson plan for the class and how we will set up the space.

My boss asked me to make a denim baby quilt for her to give as a gift so last Sunday I pulled out some of my odd shaped pieces (I always get way too many 2" squares so if I have pieces that are 2X3, 2X4, 2X6, 3X3, 3X4 or 3X6 I don't cut them down and use them when I am feeling creative) and put together this top.
You can see my piles of 4" and 6" squares on the back of the table in this picture. Anyway, I need to get some fabric for the back and I can get it quilted and delivered. I will use it for an sample though for next Saturday's class.

I have been fighting a nasty cough for almost 3 weeks and went to the doctor yesterday and got cough syrup with codeine and prednisone in the hopes that I can get rid of it. Looking forward to the end of this one! 

I had an MRI on my ankle this week and will find out next Wednesday from the doctor if there is anything that can be done to give me more range of motion. This is one time I am hoping for surgery!

Well, it is time to head outside to prune some apple trees and then into the sewing room to maybe get a round robin project or two finished and ready to mail on.

Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Yesterday was a hard day for us. We had to say goodbye to the head quality control officer at Lucy's Quilts. I named this blog after Lucy because she always thought every quilt I made was for her to take a nap on. The bigger the pile of quilts, the better. She would have been 14 in just 16 days - a long and full life. 
She worked hard keeping all her humans and cats in line. She let everyone know that she was in charge. She never met a dog she couldn't dominate - from tiny Maltese or Yorkie all the way up to Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Labs, Newfoundlands and Great Danes. The only animal I ever saw her run from was a deer that took offense to her chasing it. 
She loved being outside and wandering around our little farm. She loved laying in the sun. She would stay close to me when I was working outside, including following me back and forth as I roto-tilled. One of her favorite things was riding on the lawnmower with me in her little pouch. 

She loved strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries - especially freshly picked. She would beg for banana or apple if you were eating one.
She loved treats and had most people (especially men) trained to give her one whenever they came in the house. She loved Ole, our UPS driver, because he always had treats and didn't like it when we had a substitute driver. 
We will miss her around here so much but we have so many memories of her years here with us.