Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blocks together

Here it is!
Yesterday I made up the last four blocks and this morning laid it out and put the blocks into rows. I have also basted the rows together so it will be easier to take to the store to look for border fabric! I am really excited about this one!

I do plan to get the second cushion done today. I think they will need a bit of batting around the foam to make a nicer cushion but that will be my friend's decision. It will be nice to have those out of my house! I still have some pillows to make for her but that will wait a bit. My son and his girlfriend will be coming on Saturday for spring break and my daughter and SIL are allowing me to have my two grandkids for the week also. It will be very crazy at my house and I am pretty sure that no sewing will get done but so worth it!

I need to get outside and work on the pruning but would you believe it, winter has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest! It snowed yesterday and this morning it is quite frosty with the possibility of more snow this afternoon. The good news is that it shouldn't stick or if it does it won't last very long.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

One down, one to go

and then there are some pillows. Yes, I got one cushion done this morning! It turned out really nicely. So nicely, in fact, that I am actually looking forward to doing new cushions for our Argosy trailer sometime. I even used cording! Pretty impressive, I know.

The sun was out today along with our mountain and things were just gorgeous so I went outside and got one full tree pruned. That leaves one more small tree and the ladder work on the two biggest ones. I think I will make it again this year! But that will probably wait till later next week at least because the weather is supposed to turn soggy for a few days at least. We will wait and see I guess.

After a little workout on the Wii and a shower I decided to look at the layout for the Lady of the Lake blocks. This is what I think it is going to be...
though I will have to make up two more blocks and luckily, I have enough pieces for those two and two more so I will just finish them all up and use the last two as part of the label on the back. So what do you think? What do you think I should use around the outside? A single color? Green? Red? A print with both green and red and neutral (if I can find one)? I I will probably put the top partially together and then take it to the store to make my decision.

Friday, March 5, 2010

56 Blocks

Yep, I decided this morning was going to be the last push on the Lady of the Lake blocks and it worked. I got the last 20 put together thanks to a quiet phone! Now I need to go out and do some exercising (either Wii Fit or pruning trees) and then I will shower and head to the dentist to have a couple of fillings replaced - it seems that after about 35 years those old fillings just start needing to be replaced. Who knew?

Yesterday afternoon I got a good bit of pruning done and the sun is shining so I think I will head outside with my pruning shears and a ladder.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Outside and In

This morning I have gotten some work outside and some inside. Outside I just couldn't resist that newly tilled dirt from yesterday so I dug up some lilacs and a hardy fucshia and put them in the ground.
Here is the before...

And here is the after...
As I was putting away my gloves i saw a little trailing rose bush I bought last year that is still alive - miracle of miracles - so I transplanted it into the old wringer washer in the yard. I hope it does well there.

Finally, here is a picture of my Lady of the Lake blocks so far. I got another 9 done this morning so I have 36 finished!
Just 20 more to go and I will be able to get the top put together. I am hoping for this weekend but first those cushions...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I really did plan to work on the cushions today but first I noticed that it was pretty nice outside and those apple trees aren't pruning themselves so I went out for 'an hour' to work on those. Shortly after I got out there my neighbor drove over on his tractor (man, I want me a tractor!) and tilled up along the fence where I cut the sod last June! It looks just beautiful and was so tempting but I went back to the tree. I am not sure how long I pruned but I am nearly done with the biggest tree so it will see easy after this!

So I came in and had a bite to eat and rested and then finally got myself motivated to head to the sewing room. I got started cutting the fabric and was going to start sewing when I realized I hadn't thought about thread so I need to run into town to get some later on.

So, I pulled out my Lady of the Lake blocks and got 9 more made so I now have 27 of the 56 blocks done! I would love to get this project on the finished pile so I will work on the blocks so that happens!

A little project before the cushions

I am going to get started on the window seat cushions today - a project I have put off long enough. It is one of those that I think is going to be a pain so I put it off and put it off until I just have to do it. Hopefully, like most of those projects it will turn out much easier than anticipated!

I had a little extra time yesterday afternoon so I pulled out a quickie project from the 'to be finished pile' (hereafter to be known as TBFP). It was one of those panels you can get and it had an child's artist smock, a tote and a cat pincushion. Here are the smock and tote......I decided the cat pincushion just wasn't worth the work! I added bias tape to the neck and armholes because just turning under 1/4" and another 1/4" was not working out so well on the curves! The smock will be bib/apron for the grandkids and the tote will go in the toy room - little Clara does like her a good tote!

Well, off to the cushions!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February Tally

I have trouble keeping track of how many projects I get finished in a year so I am going to try to put up a tally at the end of each month to help me out.

February Finishes
Baby Quilts - 2 (Rubber Ducky and Dog House)
LWR - 4 backs and 1 top
Doll/Wall Quilts - 2 (Purple/Green and Christmas Pinwheels)
Quilt Block Exchange Blocks - 4
Quilt Block Round Robin Blocks - 4
Tops - 1 (Crazy Quilt)
Quilts - 1 (Lone Star Retirement Quilt)
Totes - 1

Not bad for one month since I really don't feel like I did that much.

Here is one of my first finishes for March.
I made this (minus the little triangles around the outside) for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap in February 2008 but I wasn't satisfied with it so it got put on the shelf and I made a different and better snowflake quilt for that swap. I had the squares cut to make the HST's for the border and never finished this. It took just a couple hours to get it put together and quilted - it would have been a few minutes less but I kept losing HSTs!

I also finished the two Double 4-Patch quilt tops yesterday but I don't have pictures yet so you will have to wait!

Today I got started on some blocks my daughter started a couple of years ago and I have decided to finish up with her plan and make it big enough for her daughter's big girl quilt for her 2nd birthday in July. I should have that top done within the week. Tomorrow I need to get started on those cushions for my friend's window seat!