Being on modified bed rest is preparing me to want to be super productive and busy when the twins come. I know I will covet the time when I was on bed rest once we are a family of 7, so I'm trying to soak it in and enjoy it, however, I am quite ready to clean my house, do my laundry and go shopping- as odd as it might sound. Actually, today I did make a trip out to Target with Lucy- big deal for me. Once again, I swallowed my pride and got an electric wheelchair. It really is amazing how easily I am zapped of my energy- not to mention I think all of Whatcom County was shopping today- early Christmas shopping? I also have been picking up and organizing a bit more since I have made it to 36 weeks, which is technically full term for twins (I'm pretty sure). My body just does get tired very easily and my feet get super swollen if I'm on my feet too much.

So, what has been occupying my time as of late. Well, we have lots of people in and out. My mom's been coming up quite often and Nate's parents come up Sunday and Mondays every week. I also have several people who come by weekly to help clean and drop bys, oh yes, and our friend Peter has been living in our basement off and on. I'm so glad that people are around, because if I was here all the time by myself, I might go crazy. I've also started reading "Where the Red Fern Grows", never read it, saw it on the shelf, and thought it would be a fun, light read. I'm also reading "The Omnivores' Dilemma" which is a good read as well. Hmmm, what else? I probably should confess that I'm online probably more than I should be. I get really excited when it pops up on my reader that someone has updated their blog- it's seems like there aren't as many updates these days though- is everyone in a blog funk? I've also done quite a bit of Christmas shopping from the couch. It's kind of bitter-sweet. It's sooo convenient, but there's something about going out into the chaos with peppermint mocha in hand. There will be many more Christmas' for that I suppose.... oh yes, and I am watching Lost online and Project Runway, those are my 2 shows. We've also watched "Singing in the Rain" about 5 times, Lucy LOVES it and we've rotated through Pixar movies. We just got Wizard of Oz from Netflix in the mail and UP from Chris which we are excited to watch (Thanks Chris!)
Anyways, the days of "resting" are nearly gone. I feel like I should be doing more to prepare and reading more twin books, but I think I'm just going to try to figure it out as we go. Nate did paint my toenails the other day, and did quite a nice job. I'm thinking about packing the hospital bag soon, yeah, I should do that. I'm also praying that sir William gets better soon, yes, he's sick. He's had a croupy like cough for a few days now and I'm just hoping it's nothing more and won't get passed around the family. I remember with Ada after my c-section thinking that probably one of the worst things that could happen before the surgery is to get a cough, each time I coughed or sneezed it was so painful and I felt like my scar was going to explode. So if you think of it you could pray that our family would be protected from sickness.
I thought I'd post one more pic of the belly. It's quiet around here as Will is watching Wall-e and the rest of the gang is at church, so I decided to take a pic. The pathetic thing is that after walking back and forth to the camera a couple times, my right side started cramping and freaking out (back issues), so this is the pic I got and it will do.
Check out that Belly!
37 weeks with Ada