Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bath time

How much longer will I be able to bathe three in one? Probably not much longer. I figured I should capture it. When I see pictures of my kiddos together I just get so happy for them. That they have each other. That even if I'm grumpy or tired, they still have a brother or sister not far away. Don't get me wrong, this was an eventful bath time, but look how cute they are!

Miss dramatic Molly, this is one of her infamous looks.

oh Henry

I love these two

Family pics 2012

Some Christmas

good Christmas attire

Saturday, December 15, 2012

christmas 2012

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ada: 3, preschool Will: 6, 1st grade Lucy: 8, 3rd grade
Henry.  I love you.  You are my sweetest little guy and you make me smile everyday.  I love you. Henry.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Summer at the farm- pt.1

Women's Retreat

Women's Retreat!  I'm gonna try to be better about the blog world, I hate saying that because I have seen it said many times before and, well, nothing changes.  One can still dream though.  I might just cut back on words if I must.  Little is better than nothing.  So, here it is, our first annual women's retreat at Christ Church.  It was a wonderful time with wonderful ladies.

Monday, August 6, 2012