Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

(ok, maybe this picture seems more like "Depressing Halloween", but for some reason I liked the sterile expressions.)
(this is more like "Happy Halloween")

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Such a Helper

This fence will get completed before the twins come, especially with such a gifted helper.





week 34


Getting big! C-section date set for week 37 at 9:30 am on November 20th - feels very close!

Monday, October 26, 2009

This was my Walmart fabric inspired project.  While I was scooting around Walmart I found these for a whopping $1.50 a yard.  I also had several left over canvases from various art projects, so I stapled the fabric on and viola! Art!

(Bad picture alert)
Ever since Nate started saying the pledge of allegiance to this one I can't get it out of my mind that it is a flag.  So ... thoughts?  I'm kind of on the fence on it.  I could leave it be, take it down altogether, or maybe add something, like a twins initial.  Won't be offended, let me know what you think....

Cover 'em up

I mentioned this project a couple posts back. My friend Nicole came and helped me with it since I'm not really supposed to do projects. We have a little bit of a dresser shortage, so I have been scavenging. Our college neighbor was getting rid of his dresser that he has had since a child, but he had collected stickers over the past 20 years on the front drawers. I had thought about painting it, but decided to do something a little different. I picked out this paper, bought new handles, and Nicole Mod Podged right over the stickers on this puppy. Pretty cheap and easy (especially when I don't have to do it) project.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

zoomin' around

I had an outing today, this is a big deal for me. I've been such a mole- at least I often feel like I'm underground. Typically I get out once a day to pick up or drop off the kids- my big time out. However, today I went to Walmart. Who would ever be excited to go to Walmart? Well, usually I'm not, but today I was. Our church is moving locale and we decided we needed some fabric to spruce it up a bit, but the budget is not so big. So, we went to Walmart clearance- yep $1.50 a yard. You're asking, "How did you walk around? Isn't that a no no?" Yes, it is a no no, and I didn't walk around. I scooted around. I got an electric buggy. Riding my buggy I think I was about 90% cooler in my kids eyes and Nate just kept saying, "I wish I had my camera!" I took turns giving the kids rides and it's probably the best they've been on a longish errand outing. While at Walmart I also got some premie and infant diapers, wipes, and such to get ready for the wee ones on the way. Oh yes, I also found some other great clearance fabric to do a little project for the twins room. And don't worry, friends/husband reading the blog thinking, "is she going to make me do another project?" this was a bedrest project, so I could do it on the couch. I will post pics of it soon, very pleased with how it turned out.

We had my mom and friend up a couple days ago which was wonderful and we started getting the nursery ready. Still some work to do, but went through baby clothes and started finding them homes. We officially have a c-section date set for November 20th, the time is approaching ever so quickly. Boys and kids are currently out working on the fence- can't wait 'til this puppy's complete! That's all for now- ultra-sound this week, I'll post more updates then!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stripey Wall

So, I am a project person. I love using things I already have to make something new. Especially being in a new house I keep coming up with projects. The only thing, is, I'm not supposed to do projects- this is not easy for me. I usually get an idea and compulsively work on it until it's done. I also typically get an idea in my head and want to do it, "right now!" The Lord is building me in patience as well as graciously surrounding me with people who will help me with my projects. Well, before I was put on bed rest I had it in my head that I wanted stripes somewhere. I scouted the house and thought the perfect wall would be the one between Lucy and Will's room. I used the colors from the LR and DR for the stripes so I didn't have to buy new paint, spray painted frames I already had red, and got the yellow dresser as a hand me down. After the twins are born Ada will be moving upstairs with Lucy so I made a little changing area up there. Anyways, I thought I'd post a picture. It's not the best picture, the colors aren't that great and with my 50 mm I had issues, but you get the idea. More projects to come, my friend Nicole worked on one today and her grandma is actually making some curtains for me- so nice, huh?


Monday, October 19, 2009

More visitors with helping hands



(I didn't take any picture of Jodi and Jer doing projects, my bad, but I did manage to snap a few pics of  my sweet niece Kenzi and thought I'd at least share those)

(I also like this pic of my other sweet niece Abby)

My sister, Jodi, and her family came up for the weekend to help out.  I had several projects that I wanted to get done before the twins came, so we kind of ignored the overall state of the house and tried to get some projects done (by "we", I mean I watched).  Jeremy created a mud room type area (amongst other things) for us by the back door.  I was picturing hanging a few hooks, but he took it to another level by installing a light, making a built in organization system and hanging hooks.  Jodi started some curtains, painted an accent wall, and painted the hallway.  She also entertained 5 children under the age of five and kept them fed and such.  I'm very impressed with how much got done considering all the factors.  My mom also treated Nate and I to a night at a hotel while by sister and husband watched our kids.  We really needed it and it was wonderful to get a night away.  Thank you!  I might add that today I sat and watched 3 dear friends recover the house from the weekend of projects.  They were machines and thoroughly cleaned the house for us.  Another, big thank you! 

I remember when we first got pregnant people kept saying that the Lord's going to provide help and what we need.  One major reason that I'm writing about all the help we've received is because it is evidence of the Lord's faithfulness and the truth that he won't give us more than we can handle.  I want to be able to look back remember how the Lord saw us through this time. Day by day the Lord is giving us what we need and we are abundantly thankful and we can go forward with boldness knowing that Lord will provide.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Night 1 of Pumpkin Carving


Lucy stuck her hand right into the pumpkin, Will, well, it took some major coercion to get him to gut his pumpkin. Night 2 of pumpkin carving happening tonight, the "afters" will be posted soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

time to bundle

The time is coming to bundle and I am very thankful for these hats and scarves that our neighbor made for us.  These are bright red and beautiful.  

Monday, October 12, 2009

2 by 2

My wonderful sisters threw me an amazing twin shower.  I told them, "keep it simple" and I don't think they took me too seriously, actually, I know they didn't.  To begin, look at the cake my sister made below, yes she made it- ridiculous, I can't get over it.  The theme was Noah's Ark (2 by 2), but not the typical Noah's ark shower- this was very chic.  

They payed attention to every detail and made the most scrumptious food and drinks.

We had a lot of folks come to the shower, I felt very blessed and people were very generous.  It was also a great time to see some folks I hadn't seen for a while.  Wish I could have put pictures of all my friends who made it to the shower, but above are a couple of my good friends Susan and Donna.
And, here are my sisters! Thank you, thank you, thank you!  And thank you to my mom who hosted and brought some food as well.  I love you guys a lot and can't tell you how grateful I am for all you did.  

(check out the puffy face in the pictures, feeling especially puffy that day)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This weekend has been the weekend of projects.  My wonderful sister came up to help.  She sorted through my closet and helped me get rid of the maternity clothes that wouldn't be worn anymore, bring in some clothes for after the baby, and pretty much just insanely organize every part of my closet and drawers- it looks good!
She's also been on kid patrol and kitchen patrol- going like crazy!  Edie and Tony also came up to help out on Friday (sorry no pictures, love you guys though) to help out.  It's takes a lot of folks to keep this house running right now- what would I do without you?

And this is exciting news.  When we moved in we had no fence around the house.  This meant that we often found our children digging holes in our neighbors yard and talking to the neighbors on their front porch.  Well, our good friend Peter and his dad Ken came up to help build a fence.  I don't know if you know how exciting this is for a soon to be mother of 5 little munchkins, but it is shear bliss.  The thought of sending them outside and resting assured that they are not in the street or neighbors yard- ahhh.   We decided to do a little shorter fence to prevent cutting off communication with the neighbors and to keep from sending the signal "stay away, don't talk to us, mind your business"- I think this was a good decision and am very happy with how it is turning out.
This project is taking a bit longer than expected, but that's expected.  There is still a long way to go, but, Peter's dad is a brilliant architect, so this fence will weather any storm.  Thank you Peter and Ken, so much!

Monday, October 5, 2009

You would think blog posts would be coming like rapid fire, being on modified bed rest and all, but I've found myself keeping quite busy.  Tomorrow I have another appointment and then I'll start having them weekly.  I'm suddenly being hit by all that needs to be done.  We need to buy a new car (that's a big one).  I think we're going to get a 2004 Honda Odyssey, but if anyone has any suggestions, we're open.  I also have to start buying the necessary baby stuff (found a great swing for a great price on craigs list, happy about that).  The nursery definitely isn't ready for the twins either.  Just writing about all that needs to be done makes my mind go in circles.  I must say, I am thankful that my oldest sister is coming up this next weekend and my other sister (and family) is coming up the weekend after to work on miscellaneous things.  Oh yes, I am excited, I just purchased a rug for the twins room, I love it.  I asked Nate if he thought it was too girly and he didn't.  I am deciding it's not... even if it is.  The walls are a blueish/green color and I got a couple polka dot bumper pads from Ikea.  I'm getting very motivated to put it all together, the nesting phase is coming, but the problem is that I'm not allowed to.  Here's a pic of the rug..

As far as twin pregnancy 30 weeks- I feel like I'm going to pop.  I'll have to post another picture soon because I think I just hit a growth spurt.  I think I'm officially the biggest I've ever been in a pregnancy, and boy does my body feel it!  Sleeping is quite the task, it's so hard to get comfortable.  I could list on and on, but I won't.  I'll just post a pic that I came across that is a source of comfort.

This is a source of comfort because it reminds me that I'm not always pregnant.  I can usually see my toes, bend over, walk without looking like I'm 90 years old, clean my house, and yes, jump around and play with my kids.  I miss playing with my kids.  I mean, I still play with them, but not the kind of play that I used to.  I can't wait to hike with them, play tag, carry them, run around, go on walks.  This picture reminds me that I will again.  It also reminds me that I will be in normal jeans again, oooh, that will be nice.  Anways, only 6 ish (Lord willing) weeks to go.  In one way it seems like a long time and in another way it seems so close.  I was looking at Ada today and picturing two little Ada's crawling around.  I was struck by what a blessing that would be.  I know I'll feel that way about the twins and I am so excited to meet them.  By the way, I think we have names picked out ... but we're not telling (: