You would think blog posts would be coming like rapid fire, being on modified bed rest and all, but I've found myself keeping quite busy. Tomorrow I have another appointment and then I'll start having them weekly. I'm suddenly being hit by all that needs to be done. We need to buy a new car (that's a big one). I think we're going to get a 2004 Honda Odyssey, but if anyone has any suggestions, we're open. I also have to start buying the necessary baby stuff (found a great swing for a great price on craigs list, happy about that). The nursery definitely isn't ready for the twins either. Just writing about all that needs to be done makes my mind go in circles. I must say, I am thankful that my oldest sister is coming up this next weekend and my other sister (and family) is coming up the weekend after to work on miscellaneous things. Oh yes, I am excited, I just purchased a rug for the twins room, I love it. I asked Nate if he thought it was too girly and he didn't. I am deciding it's not... even if it is. The walls are a blueish/green color and I got a couple polka dot bumper pads from Ikea. I'm getting very motivated to put it all together, the nesting phase is coming, but the problem is that I'm not allowed to. Here's a pic of the rug..

As far as twin pregnancy 30 weeks- I feel like I'm going to pop. I'll have to post another picture soon because I think I just hit a growth spurt. I think I'm officially the biggest I've ever been in a pregnancy, and boy does my body feel it! Sleeping is quite the task, it's so hard to get comfortable. I could list on and on, but I won't. I'll just post a pic that I came across that is a source of comfort.
This is a source of comfort because it reminds me that I'm not
always pregnant. I can usually see my toes, bend over, walk without looking like I'm 90 years old, clean my house, and yes, jump around and play with my kids. I miss playing with my kids. I mean, I still
play with them, but not the kind of play that I used to. I can't wait to hike with them, play tag, carry them, run around, go on walks. This picture reminds me that I will again. It also reminds me that I will be in normal jeans again, oooh, that will be nice. Anways, only 6 ish (Lord willing) weeks to go. In one way it seems like a long time and in another way it seems so close. I was looking at Ada today and picturing two little Ada's crawling around. I was struck by what a blessing that would be. I know I'll feel that way about the twins and I am so excited to meet them. By the way, I think we have names picked out ... but we're not telling (: