Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome, sweet Liv!

Grandma got to have a vacation! Virginia is beautiful at all times of the year, but never more beautiful  than when there is a new family member to welcome.

I think Liv really favors her beautiful mother, lucky girl!

Pictures at the arboretum.  Can you see why I love Virginia?  

I loved being with you all!  Welcome, dear Liv.  We all love you so much!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


During my walk at lunch I noticed some more pansies fighting their way out of the snow. I also noticed Lions. There are 85 lions as you walk around the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. This is the former Hotel Utah. It is a beautiful building and I would love to have a chat with the architect. Why Lions? I don't know. But I kind of like seeing them all.

Birthday Girl

Thanks to everyone for the sweet birthday wishes and gifts. I was really spoiled. And it was a terrific day! We started the day with work. Then ate fish tacos in the cafeteria for lunch. And then! Research! Our library The Parish Register for Hodnet, Shropshire, England 58 years old. (Man! I'm OLD!) We ended the day with a lecture on Erastus Snow in the Assembly Hall. Can you imagine a better birthday?

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Salt Lake Weather

When you have nothing better to talk about, talk about the weather. But weather is interesting, here. We started out the week with more snow. Lots more snow. 6 inches of snow.
This was the view from our living room window last Monday. But later in the week we had a thaw. All that snow is melting.
They turned on this fountain for the first time since we have been here. It is really lovely! And now it is warm enough to go for a walk outside at lunch.
Brother Joseph thought so, too.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Announcing: The Assignment

I was tempted to post a picture of the bathrooms here. I always joked that I would be the bathroom cleaner. But no- No bathrooms for me.
I am an office worker. Presenting the newest member of the Family Tree Product Support Team. I can hear you all laughing. But it is true.
This is my temporary cubicle. I will be moved to a smaller one in March when a Sister goes home.
This is the row I am in
My row is smack dab in the middle of our workroom. This picture shows the sea of cubicles stretching on to eternity.
This is our zone leader: Elder Kent Meyers. Does he look familiar, Dad? Patriarch Meyers, second son. He asked me to say hi to you. He remembers you fondly.
Michael is in the same zone but serves on the Research Support Team. When we are properly trained (they say it takes about 4 months) we we be ready to answer all your research and Family Tree questions. In the meantime, there is a talented bunch here. So keep those calls and emails coming. They will not allow us to lead you astray.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Walking in A Winter Wonderland

I try to go walking during my mid morning break and I often see Brother Brigham doing the same. This is my favorite fountain.
It starts here...
And continues here... And ends up here.
A lovely snowy stone wall...
And a promise of spring to come.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Salt Lake Stake

We are members of the 2nd Branch of the Salt Lake Stake. The building is 3 blocks down North Temple from our apartment. I am guessing that we have about 500 members and except for the Gledhills (our Branch president and Relief Society president) all are missionaries in this mission. So that means no Primary, no YMYW. But we do have two Elders Quorums because the 70 young Elders who serve in this mission are in our branch. It is so enjoyable to have the "young elders" with us. We had a branch social last night and it was fun to see their antics. While the branch was singing the welcome song to us greenies, the "young elders" were in the back of the room, linked up into a kicking and dancing chorus line. Most of them have health or mental issues that would prevent them from serving a regular mission, but that does not keep them from being full of youthful enthusiasm, faith, dedication, and a little bit of the dickens. They are GREAT! I found a fun link on the stake, itself, and especially the lovely building we meet in. Check out the stained glass window by Tiffany. That is what I stare at throughout Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society. Church does not get better than this!

Weekend Wonders

No- it's not Santa Clause. Actually, the fireplace is already gone. Dad and Dave pulled that out last week. Now they are making the wall ready for wall board. Nice pair of legs, huh.
Lots of measuring and figuring. Dave pulled out a switch. Studs were installed. Stay tuned for something amazing next Saturday. In the meantime...
Little Owen is pretty amazing!

Friday, January 11, 2013

School's Out Early!

Early dismissal! Time to go home! Winter Storm Gandolf has shut down the church office building so the weekend has an early start. Joseph and Emma should go inside, don't you think?
Michael said the office on the first floor left corner is President Monson's. The lights are still on.
Look! The fountains are still flowing!
Elder and Sister Spruce
Time to walk home.
Light the fire! Make hot chocolate! And do the homework.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hi, Moroni!

I was on the observation deck of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (JSMB) and there he was! I have never been so close to Moroni before. Here are some more pics I took while visiting with my Heavenly Brother.
Yep! That is the temple with the conference center in the background. Can you believe I LIVE HERE?
The apartment building in the center of this frame is HOME! We are caddy corner from the Church Office Building. Close enough to run home for lunch. (Or run home during first break if you forgot your reading glasses.)

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Every day we spend a number of hours in family history training. This picture is taken during break but when we get going, there are two people at each computer in this room and in 2 other rooms.
This is my lovely, patient trainer, Shirlee Bess. She has been a missionary, like me, and when her 18 months were up, they asked her to stay on as a service missionary. So she teaches 2 weeks a month: greenies like me, and hopefully some people who already know what they are doing.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

After the first week of our mission we have a lot to report! First of all, you can see that we have been tremendously blessed in our lovely apartment. The Ellises were so good to leave it so nicely furnished. It feels like home already and we are very comfortable here. We had our first offical day on Friday. We met with the other new missionaries, the mission presidency and the branch president and his wife, the Relief Society president. We were treated to a very nice lunch at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. That building is quite elegant and the food was delicious. We were given a few guidelines and rules: the #1 mission rule is to NOT fall down. I need that rule. Then we were introduced to our personal trainers. Mine is Sister Bess. She is lovely and I can tell that I will enjoy her for the next two weeks. Last of all was a photo shoot. I hope I will be receiving copies to post soon. For the time being, enjoy our lovely living/dining room, our kitchen, and our bedroom. Pretty nice for missionary digs, don't you think?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Official!

We are missionaries! Elder Lubeck and I were set apart tonight by our stake president, President Ey. We each received wonderful blessings. But the part that thrilled me most was the pronouncement that I was set apart as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ! I've always wanted to be a missionary. And the time is here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Because Scott said so

Long time no see. That is what Scott said. Not exactly in those words. But he got me thinking. So at long last, how about a little post from me?
What am I knitting? Good question! Any guesses?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I know I said I would post all my finished projects, so these photos are late. These skeins of yarn were finished in January as were these cute mittens. What do you think? I particularly like the mittens. Strawberry mittens. They look like spring- just what I needed in January.