Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Turning 1

So, the BIG BOY turned ONE this past month! Where has the year gone!!! Isaac has been such a joy to our family. His sibilings love his so much and are always lookin' out for this little guy. Here are little facts about him

-LOVES FOOD- mac and cheese, milk, apple juice, grapes, bananas, graham crackers, pears, peaches and GREEN PEAS!!
-says thank you, daddy, momma, mmmmm(when he really likes his food), uh-oh, woof woof, who
-he can whistle, and sing "we will rock you".....more like "we will bop boo"
-loves crawling (not walking yet), climbing stairs, climbing anything (I've never had a climber before) and loves to ride on our Little tikes rollar coaster car thing.
-likes to dig in dirt and eat it
-loves the dog
-He is 26lbs and in 76th percentile for height- way to go buddy!!
-Best of all, HE LOVES HIS CRIB!!! He used to hate it, but he and the crib worked things out and now bedtime is a pleasant time :)

Isaac is cheerful and happy and loves to join with the family in whatever we are doing. He has been such a blessing to us! WE LOVE you Zackie....as sometime we call you! :)