Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So it's been forever since I've updated this thing..... I'm sure with Parker being here I'll post more so everyone can watch him grow! It's hard to believe that he's already one month old!!!!

Here is a video and a few photos. Enjoy. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red Rock

FHE on Monday was amazing!!! We went mountain biking at Red Rocks. So pretty and such a great trail to bike! Afterwards we had dinner with the Thompson's from our ward. Here are a few pics to show what a great ride it was.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Day at the Park

 Rocky Mountain National Park that is! Casey and I went up there last Saturday. We didn't get to spend nearly enough time up there. We bought a year pass so we look forward to going back up there a lot more! Here are a few pics from our day.

The day started off with a little bit of wildlife on the road

Bear Lake... Too bad it's not the one I'm used to.
Nymph Lake - And our view for our lunch break.
Little Chippy. Our lunch break pal!

Fire in the park. We couldn't hike to the lake we wanted to because of it. Maybe next time!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

 This weekend's adventure was mountain biking in Keystone Colorado. SO MUCH FUN! You ride the ski lift to the top of the mountain and then just get to do all the fun down-hill part. Definitely the best way to mountain bike. :) Our friend Darrin Black went up with us. That was good cause the boys could go do the more difficult trails while I stuck to the easy ones. On our first run we saw a few deer and a fox. Kinda cool. We had a blast! Here are a few pics. Enjoy!

Casey & Darrin getting ready for the fun to begin!
Here comes Casey!
Casey finishing up a good run

Look how happy he is! He LOVES mountain biking.
Look at Casey's new bike!
Darrin and Casey riding the lift to the top
Casey and Millie on the way to the top
Hmm.... MoterHead or Girls Scout trail. Which should I choose??
On the trail
More trail
Bridge on the trail
The only injury for the day - not too shabby!
Casey & Millie at the end of the day. :)
Darrin at the end of the day!
Coming up next week... Casey's mountain biking trip to Jackson Hole, and my adventures in Logan!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From 90 to Snowing in 1.5 hours

Last Saturday's adventure was driving up to Mt. Evans. It's the tallest paved road in North America! It was awesome.... and a little scary.

Once you pass the tree-line, you're just driving on rocky cliffs the rest of the way up. Mountain on one side of the road.... cliff on the other. It doesn't help that it's a vary narrow road and parts of it are falling apart. It was starting to snow as we were driving up. The thought that there could be black ice as you drive around the corner with a drop-off and no guard rail makes the drive even more fun! :) 
Doesn't it kinda look like we're driving into the clouds?

This kinda shows you what the road was like.
 We made it to the top! It was raining/snowing up there. I was glad I brought a jacket... Casey wasn't so lucky.

 The sun started to come out while we where up there and by the time we were leaving it was nice enough that we opened up the sunroof!

Not a vary good pic cause it was taken as we were driving, but here are the mountain goats we saw!

Roller Coaster Road! This pic doesn't do a very good job of showing how bad it was

The drive down with the sun roof open! Oh yeah!
 On the way down we stopped at a mountain lake and walked around for a bit. It was so pretty! It made me miss Tony's Grove.

We stopped in Golden on our way home to go mountain biking. We only made it part way up the trail and had to turn around and come back because a thunderstorm was rolling in. We didn't really want to be stuck on top of a plateau in a thunderstorm with bikes. :)

Well that's it from our adventures last Saturday... but this week we're going mountain biking in Keystone with some friends!