Never mind I shall post something before eating something:P I wonder I wonder... Why do we have to live on earth? All of us are gonna die someday sooner or later. Sometimes in life I see its meanings and sometimes I don't. Am I thinking too much or something? But still, I thank God for breathing life into us, I should be feeling fortunate cos some people are not able to see this world because of some reasons. Some people really make feel that I want to end my life straight away on the spot, while, some people bring smiles, laughter, fun, happiness, love and many more into my life, I love those people, without them my life would be just a plain piece of paper. However, I would also thank those people who made my life difficult, because they made me become a stronger person, someone who knows what is right or wrong, someone that will take the right path. So what does life mean to you ? :)