At the beginning of the year,
Chaletgirl set herself a challenge to choose one craft book per month from her collection, and make at least one item from the book. She invited anyone interested in doing the same to play along. I immediately signed up.
One down eleven to go! I managed to finish
this months project with a week to spare - so unlike me. Having a 3 and a half year old eagerly awaiting the finished product kind of spurs you on. So here it is, the Fashion First Aid bag from
Debbie Stoller's The Happy Hooker..........................
I modified the pattern in several ways. Firstly I added a flap and button so I could close the bag and keep all of Miss B's medications safely inside
Then I lined it with a lovely spotty quilter's cotton. This I did because as you change colours to make the cross in the design you carry across the main colour yarn leaving rows of loose yarn on the inside of the bag (I didn't think to get a photo before I lined the bag). So the lining not only covers this unsightly mess but helps protect it as well. I hand stitched the lining in place.
I also added a pocket to the back of the bag using some clear plastic vinyl so I can keep Miss B's asthma plan and allergy plan in there safe and sound and on hand should the need arise (let's hope it doesn't though!) I punched holes evenly around three sides of the plastic and using the red yarn whip stitched it into place. I will add a piece of paper to keep at the front of the window with Miss B's name, my phone number and the fact she has asthma and allergies, something like this:
This bag belongs to Miss B
Mum's phone number is 040* *** ***
Please refer to my asthma and allergy plans
which can be found in this pocket
One very happy Miss B!
So good bye zip-lock plastic bag, hello Fashion First Aid bag.
A slight improvement wouldn't you say?