Friday, February 17, 2012

Brykon Bronson

Yes - Brykon is 3 months old.
Yes - My last post was practically a year ago.
But that's alright, i'm not making any promises I just feel like blogging tonight.
So my main man Brykon.
He was born Nov 14, 2011.
Bronson and I got to the hospital mega early to be induced. (okay it was only
7 am)

And add a little pitocin, and then 7 hours, and 2 epidurals later Brykon Bronson Streeper was born.

From the moment I saw him I thought he looked so much like noel! It was so amazing.

I am so blessed to have Brykon in my life, I love my little family! I dont know where I'd be without them!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My little model!!!

Well, let me first apologize for being such a slacker and apparently a liar! I said that I would write a new post like 9 saterdays ago! I feel soo horrible about it :( Anyways!
Life has obviously been just crazy for us! I have been working at the Pediatric Center full time and I love it! I couldn't imagine being happier at any other job. I get to hang out with beautiful babies and kids all day! Bronson's still at the Credit Union having a good time but wishing he could get up and move a bit more, and NOEL is such a sweetheart and a blessing in our lives! Everyday she surprises us something completely adorable that she's learned. Right now she is obsessed with Despicable Me. She loves loves loves it. She runs around the house singing the unicorn song the little girl sings in bed. This little love of hers inspired us to finally have Noels Binky Ceremony! I'll rewind here and explain how I took noel to the dentist a few weeks ago and he said that she's getting a little gap in he teeth from her binky use! :( I was pretty upset, I only let her have it in bed and it is such a soother for her! I know it's helped her with the few major adjustments she's had to deal with the past few months. So ... I decided it was indeed time to take it away but I didn't want to do it cold turkey for no reason so the dentist advised to have a ceremony with friends and family to support her. There were a few ideas on what to do with the binky so that she would understand but this one was my favorite. We took her and my two nephews to Blast Off to hang out and play for a bit, then when they were done playing we went to the build a bear section. She picked out her favorite which of course was a UNICORN! oh it was soo cute, so we pulled out her binky and everyone said bye bye binky and she started saying it too, then the worker opened the unicorn and we told noel to put the binky inside, she gave us all a look like What! she knew what was going on and it was heartbreaking but she put it inside by the foot and he filled it up with the cotton, then we all cheered and kept saying bye bye to the binky the she put in the heart and we closed her up! I dont know why but I was pretty emotional about it! Since then she's done pretty well, everytime she asks for the binky we say unicorn unicorn, she only was upset for about three night but she hasn't asked for it since. Im soo proud of her.
My last item of business here is the photo shoot Bronson took her to, for a lady that wanted her for a model for her bows. OH MY HECK she was adorable!! I can not believe how cute my child is! I can't wait to get our family pictures done!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Im just letting everyone know that I will be writing a blog post on saterday. Id love to see you then.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Makeup Stylist

SO..... I can't sleep. So instead of lying in bed with my eyes wide open I thought I'd share something thats been happening a lot lately. It has to do with my DIVA daughter. All she wants to do all day is try on my shoes, pull out all her clothes, and get into my nail polish an make-up. It's quite frustrating to be honest, but I guess if you think about it she sees me getting ready every morning and must thing its the normal thing to do.. Anyways, this morning I was doing some homework before work and I notice that noel is very quiet, and that is just not normal! So I rush in to the bathroom afraid of what she had done and this is what I found.

At first I was just horrified and stunned! She had some how once again snuck past all my security devices stealth style and got into the bath room. And then I take a closer look at her face and I was like DANG GIRL! you didn't do too bad! She has foundation all over her face, lipgloss on her lips and mascara pretty close to her eyes. You let that sit a while and it might not be that bad. So of course I couldn't stay mad for too long and once i got the camera out she said CHEEEE ( cheese in noel language) So cute! I love her with my entire soul! I am so happy right now it should be illegal! I'm going to marry my best friend and most amazing guy i've ever known and we are going to be a family! I can't believe how lucky I am that noel is going to have such a great father. I know every hardship and trial has happened for a reason and I am so glad I pulled through in order to receive these amazing blessings!
One more pic of bronson and I for the road

Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok so I know its been a couple weeks since I actually got engaged but DANG planning a wedding is stressful and busy so I hope you understand. I love how my last post was the day I went on my first date with Bronson. Shows how busy he has been keeping me. Anyways! So here is the story!
Bronson had been acting super strange for a few days and I was getting worried, then on Thursday August 26 Bronson, his friend Jud and my family went boating, we got back around 6:50 and I had to be to class at 7:00! SO I threw my hair in a ponytail and went to class looking like a drowned rat! During my class bronson kept texting me saying come home early, skip class we need to talk etc! Luckily for me class got out early anyway and I flew to bronsons house where he and noel was. The second I got there he said we're going to my aunts house to let the dogs out and and we need to talk. I was SUPER worried, so we get there and he sits on his tail gate and looks upset, saying I dont know nicole I dont know ... I dont even know where to start. Then he busts out saying I dont think we should be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore!! I was like WHAT! I dont believe this! I didnt even know what to say so I just started Bawling! He lets me bawl for a good while and when I started to walk away he says nicole you know I love you. I think we should be husband and wife instead and then put a ring on my finger! Then I kept bawling because of the whiplash my emotions had taken and after a few good punches to his arm I looked at my ring and him and couldn't be happier!! What a terd is all I have to say! Its a good thing I love him to death!!
The date we've chosen is OCT 22 2010!! Wedding preparations are flying past and we've been crazy busy getting things ready. We got our engagement pictures done which I love! Next up is invitations so be looking in the mail for yours!!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Well here it is! Our fabulous time we had at the Eclipse midnight premier! We were confused on the way things were going to go down so we showed up late and had to sit in the very front seat for 7 hours! Needless to say my neck was a little kinked, but it still didnt take away from how fun it was and the good time we had!

Kinked necks! Grose!
We met up with the guys after the show!

Mom getting ready for the first show!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I should probably be sleeping, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to update my blog now that I have a little free time. My time as an LPN student is nearly up! I have completed all but two classes, and only 8 weeks until I am an official graduate (contrary to the words spoken at my graduation ceremony this week).
Problem 1? I was just informed that my Monday 10-2 class was just changed to Thursdays 5:30-9:00! Are you kidding me?! EITC must live and breathe to make things hard for me, daycare is going to be a bust! Problem 2? The teacher I was excited about has decided to up and retire! I personally think its just plain selfish but thats just me.

Anyways, I just wanted to comment on how BEAUTIFUL Monday was! I am so glad noel and I were able to enjoy it and spend a while outside! Her face could not have been a better description of how much we needed the sun. All I want to do is lay on the trampoline, close my eyes and soak in the sun. However!! These wonderful feelings bring me to my second point. How much I hate spring!! People say they LOOOOOVE spring but then complain when it gets rainy and cold. ITS SPRING! Its a transition season, some days it will be beautiful and some days it will be crappy. I do realize that this cynicism is coming from the near peak of my seasonal depression, but in all honesty I am so looking forward to the constant sun.