Last week we went to Pasco to visit my mother who is terrible health and residing at a care facility right now while she awaits surgeries/answers from doctors/etc. It was a super busy trip- full of cleaning, cooking, emergency room visits. But there was some fun in there too! Take Exhibit A:
It snowed!!!! Since we're fully Las Vegans now, this is a real treat for us. It was just enough snow for Abby to build her first snowman. She named him Bob and he has a baby carrot nose and grapes for eyes. He lasted about 7 hours before a warm from came in and took Bob from us. Fortunately, we were on a plane back home by then so we didn't have to witness his demise.
We also had a second Christmas celebration. We brought mom home for a while from the care center and ate a big Christmas breakfast (eggs benedict), had a talent show, opened gifts, and had a nice dinner with the whole family there.
Aunt Donna and Uncle Phil wisely gave Abby some beautiful ballet clothes. She literally spent the whole "Christmas 2.0" day in a pink tutu and white flutter sleeved leotard with the tags still on. She's a little nutcracker, that one!
Just to throw a scene in from our actual Christmas:
Abby went to sing at the nursing home in our ward with her friends. This same day she also sung with these ladies in Sacrament Meeting and I was able to play the piano for them. I adore her friends.
Santa brought exactly what she asked for- Roller Blades! Santa is a smart, conscientious man because he also brought a helmet, wrist, elbow and knee guards. All of them have come in handy.
Christmas eve- laying out the cookies, the oats, the letter...magical right? Except for 8 years solid this kid has gone to bed TERRIFIED of Santa. She thinks it's completely creepy he comes into our home while we're sleeping and can do who knows what to us and our stuff. Abby's my exact opposite when it comes to Christmas- she's 100% more delightful than I was as a child. She...a.) doesn't ask for anything b.) sleeps in Christmas morning c.) is very concerned about whether or not Dad and I got enough gifts and what we really wanted. I don't deserve her :) I was a terror Christmas morning, up at 4:30, shaking every gift with my name on it.
Abby took my phone upstairs when we had some friends and cousins over. The pictures that were on them were hilarious. There was 100s and will take me a full 2 hours to delete, but hilarious. I think we have a spy/crime fighting story and a wicked pop star. It was fun to try and piece them together.
Well here's to a better documented 2015!