Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Pool Time!

We went over to my friend, Cami's house this afternoon to take a break from the heat and swim in her pool. It was the perfect thing to cool everyone off and we had a blast!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Working Man

I have to brag today. Christopher started his first real, official JOB! There is a family in our ward that owns a horse farm. We heard through the grapevine a few weeks ago that they hire teenagers to come and work in their barn cleaning out stables and such. So we gave them a call to see if Christopher could come and help out. They didn't need any help at the time. But they called us last week to see if Christopher was still interested in working for them. He was, so they had him start this morning. He has to be there before 7am each morning to clean out the horse stables, feed and water the horses. He came home today a little worn out, smelling like manure but with a huge smile on his face. "They want me to come back tomorrow, and the day after that!" he said. Whoohoo!! I'm just as excited as he is! He cleaned out 5 stalls today and watered all of the horses (around 30). He said that it was a lot of work but that he actually had a fun time doing it. Imagine that!

Monday, June 23, 2008

More Videos

Shannon learns to ride a clutch

Ellie riding "Pink Glory"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Trip to Delta

We took the kids 4-wheeling out by Cherry Creek this weekend. This is a really neat place just past Little Sahara (sand dunes) where we usually go. We camped where there were tons of trails to follow and lots of jumps and tracks for the kids to play around on. The kids got some good practicing in. We went on a long family ride and saw a lot of pretty country!
On Saturday we went to Matt's family reunion in Oak City. Matt and Christopher got to go on a tour of the IPP Plant that morning. Afterwards, we drove out to Topaz Mountain but didn't have enough time to really find anything. We made it back to Oak City just in time for the family luncheon and program. Matt got to see a lot of his cousins and distant relatives - most of whom he has never met. We never knew there were so many Lovells!!
After the reunion we packed up and headed home. We stopped in Payson for about an hour to visit with my parents and had a nice visit with them.

This is a video of Christopher showing off what he can do on his 4-wheeler.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Temple Fork Hike

Last night the YM/YW went on a hike up to Temple Fork in Logan Canyon. This is the area where the church got the lumber to build the Logan Temple. It was a beautiful hike which followed the creek the entire way! When we finally reached the site of the old saw mill we built a fire and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows and listened to stories about when the saw mill was in use and about the construction of the Logan Temple. On the way back the kids all wanted to run (energized by the sugar rush thanks to the marshmallows I think...). I'm just glad that it was all pretty much down hill otherwise I don't think I could have kept up with them. Whew! With girls camp a month away I'm beginning to think I need to do some serious preparation in order to keep up with these little hyper balls of energy!