Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Funny Little Jay

Here are some funny movies and pictures of our silly boy. We are always in need of a good laugh!

We had our annual Nuttall Christmas party last weekend and there was a blizzard! It was crazy! Jay didn't like Santa too much at first. He warmed up eventually. You can see my semi-short hair...I might cut more off soon when I get the guts to do it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas!

So a little update on us :)
Matt is so grateful to have his job at Exactware, and I am absolutely LOVING photography. The business is really spreading and I get so excited for a shoot! I also finally cut my hair, and I will post a picture soon. I might cut it even shorter! I was too scared when I got it done. Now for the hard stuff...

We are pretty close to having to foreclose on our investment home, but currently we are really trying to do a short sale and plea with the bank to agree to a short sale, and agree to not take our personal home away because of the short sale. There is a lot of pleading and agreeing in there! It is crazy how much power banks have! Not a good time to own 2 homes, and be a general contractor! Anyway, we are still so happy to have each other and sweet Elder Worthlin's quote has been my motto, "Come what may, and Love it!" It really doesn't matter what happens; I have my incredibly perfect, sweet husband whom I love unconditionally and our sweet son. Life can't get any better than that.

Jay will be starting very aggressive treatment starting January and twice a month, I will be up at Primary's watching Jay's my little baby get sedated and be worked on like crazy. It has gone down a little since his treatments 6 months ago, but it still will need a dozen or so more. They are basically burning the inside of his cyst and creating scar tissue so his body will stop draining lymph fluid there. I will miss his boob! It feels weird to pick up other babies with skinny armpits now!

Here is a cute little Santa to make you smile. Even though there are crazy things going on, WE REALLY ARE GRATEFUL! We are blessed! Hold tight to your families and Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Calling all MOMS!

So, I had a very interesting thing happen yesterday. Well, Jay just loves his bath time so much! But this last one was very different! Lets see if words can do this justice. So, as Jay was splashing around, he looked down and noticed something...yup, his little peepee! Once the two made eye contact :), he didn't leave that little guy alone for 1/2 hour! He would pull it, pinch it (and shiver after), and they became best friends. He would hold it and then get into a new position and make sure it was still there. The funniest thing is he could barely see it because his big gut was in the way. He was folding in half trying to see it, and pulling his belly up so he could find his friend. I was laughing so hard until I realized, what do I do?

So, here is where I need advice. I have given him a bath since then and the exact same thing happened. The long lost friends were reuinited. So, do I try to distract him, or do I let my son explore himself for a half hour! I have no clue what to do! Will he grow out of this? I just didn't think they would be so excited to see eachother!! So bring on the advice....

This picture was taken when his rubber ducky and letters were plenty of entertainment!