Monday, October 24, 2011

monday Weigh in

I didn't get as low as I wanted last week, but I did alright, especially since I only worked out once.  Anyway, I'm good with what happened.  I've set up my phone to remind me to weigh in.

I'm gonna keep on my current plan.

The caramel apples at FHE didn't help.

I'm guessing....

Back in the Saddle Again

Went on a birthday vacation a week and a half ago and then it took a full week from getting back for me to really get out of that "vacation mode" and get to work. Today is my new beginning and I'm back on board and ready to work hard.

Working towards my next goal: As close to 18 pounds down from today by New Year's Day as I can get which would put me at a HUGE milestone! Even if I'm down 10 pounds it will be huge.

There are 10 weeks until New Years, time to get focused and get working! Just do your absolute best, that's all anyone can ask you to do!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time to Get the WEight Off

The scale has been hovering, and every now and then it tips up a pound or so... and I'm tired of that.
I'm ready to lose, and I think I'm a place that will allow that.

Last Spring I did a modified weight watchers plan.  Mostly just eating things I knew WW allowed and mixing in some of the skinny girl techniques, like having a high protein snack with a little fruit before bed.

Anyway, that's my plan right now.  I may have to go back to counting points, but if this will work I'd prefer to try it.  It worked well in the Spring.

As far as I remember.

I've tried to block a few months out of my memory.  :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

The OTHER numbers

I'm not talking about the scale, or the inches.

I'm talking abou tthe really important ones....

Cholesterol, glucose.

Recently I had to apply for life insurance, and they took blood to see what kind of rate I would qualify for.  I'm happy to say that I qualified for the best rate, and while some of that is due to my family history, a lot of it is also due to my blood results.

A year or so before I got pregnant with P, my fasting glucose was 102 (anything over 100 is considered "pre-diabetes" -- a kind of a danger zone type deal), it was a wake-up call.  Then I had "glucose intolerance" when I was pregnant with P -- all big signs that diabetes could well be in my future.  And then I lost 50 pounds. :)  Anyway, my fasting glucose was 88.  Good news!

My cholesterol is still riding a bit high at 222, but it's been that way for YEARS.  I have a strong family history of high cholesterol.  BUT, my HDL's are slowly increasing (hdl's being HEALTHY).  My last coupel of results were 59 (way too low), then 62 and today they were 70.1.  Good news!

My LDS's have gone down from 150 to 139 (I guess that's supposed to be under 100, so still something to reach for).

My triglycerides were 95 last time they were checked, and today they were 62.  You want those under 150, so that's good news either way.

My LDL/HDL ratios are doing really great.  It's good news.

Anyway, it's a reminder that it really isn't all about how great you look in a shirt, or what size jeans you can fit into.  There's a lot going on underneath the skin too.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October's Goal: 5 a day!

So, in an effort to ease back into weight watchers, I am counting my veggies and my glasses of water in my WW journal.  Just trying to get those 5 in each day is a huge thing, and really helps cut back on other stuff, because there simply isn't room.

BUT, I am looking for lean protein sources to add to my vegetables!

I had some tuna today, and string cheese.

I also worked on my sprinkler system more.  I can't imagine why I'm not a stick by now after all my sprinkler work.  Maybe the cinnamon rolls I made have something to do with that....

I can't get into protein drinks.  Be it the fact that they seem wrong, or that they're expensive, or that I'm lazy.... just not sure.  But, I am really trying to go au natural -- and those just don't taste like mother nature made them.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Official Weekly Weigh-In

My last weekly weigh-in was a cheat one, I'm technically not supposed to weigh-in midweek but I did. So that weigh-in was Tuesday night, the day I train.

Like I said in my last post, I have been on a plateau forever and so my trainer worked up a new food plan for me to follow instead of WW. I love WW, it got me going and helped me lose 20 pounds so I know it works. I also think it's good to shake things up now and then. I do know that I definitely want to use WW when I am at my goal weight just to maintain and stay accountable.

But back to the weigh in. So today was my official weigh in day are here are the results this week:

Down 5.4 pounds!!!!!!!

I am so excited! Let me tell you, it has not been easy. Every day this week I have had to make the choice to be healthy and work towards my goals. Last night I wanted a piece of pizza from my cheat meal the night before so bad but leftovers are not part of the cheat meal deal. I seriously kept going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I was going to eat some. Finally, I decided not to and instead have a spinach salad with tomatoes and hard boiled eggs.

I knew that if I had gone off plan and eaten the leftover pizza then I would have felt horrible if my numbers were higher than I had expected this morning. So I decided to stick with it and not waste all the hard work I've done this week. My trainer says I'm being rewarded for my good choices and I have to say, I like this reward!

So it's on to week 2 of this new food/exercise plan. I hope the results keep coming and the pounds keep dropping.

What good choices are you making today to get you towards your goals?
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