Monday, 24 December 2012

"You are like a son and together we have all but conquered the galaxy. Now the time has come for me to retire to Terra. My work as a soldier is done and now passes to you for I have great tasks to perform in my earthly sanctum. I name you Warmaster and from this day forth all of my armies and generals shall take orders from you as if the words cam from mine own mouth. But words of caution I have for you for your brother Primarchs are strong of will, of though and of action. Do not seek to change them, but use their particular strengths well. You have much work to do for there are still many words to liberate, many peoples to rescue. My trust is with you. Hail Horus! Hail the Warmaster!"

The Emperor of Mankind

The Warmaster Horus here depicted at his triumph at Ullanor. 

Horus is armed and armoured in his traditional battle-dress wielding Worldbreaker and the distinctive Talon. The few historical documents that survive (and are accessible beyond an Ordo Extremis clearance) contradict each other as to the equipment the Primarch of the XVI vaunted legion during the campaign. It is likely due to the ferocity of the Ork that Horus was forced to use several weapon lay outs depending on malfunction, destruction or tactical proclivities of any given battle.

Horus Stands atop a tortured ground, saturated in the blood of his Ork foes in the closing stages of the campaign. Spears litter the gound, with an imperial flag impaled upon one of them. The faded Imperial Eagle upon a crismon field stares defiant and unbroken beneath the heel of the Emperor's most favoured child. 

The pitted pearl armour of the Primarch holds the emblematic Eye of Horus at it's centre. The eye of Terra was a common device used throughout the Imperium, favoured by the Astrates and Primarchs themselves as a link to their spiritual gene-sire; The Emperor. It has many interpretive meanings; for some it is a symbol of justice, others the unwavering knowledge of the Emperor pervading the void. Horus is most commonly associated with this fetish being the first of the Primarch's to be re-united with his father, a fetish that he would drag into the Heresy and corrupt forever-more as a symbol for treachery, betrayal and Heresy. 

The below images were used as a basis for the conversion work as very little official art exists of Horus before the Heresy took root. I don't know who the artists are (please contact me if you know, i'd like to credit them) but they were invaluable in creating this miniature. 

More images with a sepia background.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Subjugator. Annihilator. The End of Empire. The Eye of the Emperor.
Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the XVI Legionaes Astartes. 

The model started life some time ago, inspired by Damien Thevenin's Horus Lupercal conversion. I loved the conversion so much I decided to try it, putting my own spin on him. The Horus above is the end result and has been created on behalf of a client who wished to create a Horus at the height of the Ullanor Crusade.

I watned Horus to be magnetic, imperiousness and domineering. Above all else, all the accolades, military and diplomatic genius, even beyond the charisma of the character I think of Horus as a bully. I wanted Horus to dominate the stage.

The pose is an inversion of the famous artwork of Adrian Smith, the source of so many Horus conversions and what seemed to be the natural default position of this character. The Breaker of Worlds is held aloft as a sign of victory for the Imperium - echoing the classic motif of the torch bearer, symbolically bringing the Imperial light to foreign soils. The Breaker of Worlds is a Kingly weapon, depicted as a scpetre wielded by a monarch; an image of reason, justice and order.

Horus' claw (some source books have Horus armed with his Talon at Ullanor, others conflict with this) is a huge clunking weapon of brutality. A butcher's weapon that mashes, pulverizes and obliterates, the qualities that will come to the fore in Horus' character after Davin.

A special mention must go to the base (not pictured here but can be found on my facebook page that has a very subtle foreshadowing to the fate of Horus and his coming insurrection. I'll reveal all in my next blog entry, but if you can spot what it is please pop a comment below to win a prize*

* Prizes include a mental high five,  twenty man points or a star that you can name!

P.S at the time of photographing I didn't have the bit that completes Horus Scpetre.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

It's been a while since my last update but there are lots of treats coming up in the near future.

This is the second Hellbrute I have painted from the Dark Vengeance set (here is the first). I wanted more contrast between the armour and skin this time, so I painted the fleshy parts in a more natural, aggravated fashion.

Painted with oils and acrylic.

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