I had two under my belt before this hike -- Bierstadt and Quandary. Our latest hike allowed me to bag two (Grays and Torreys) on the same hike. It was a total 3,600 ft. elevation gain and 9 mile distance (round trip).
Starting out, the slope is very gradual, with streams and pretty wild flowers. (No trees, though, as you're already above the timber line):
Near the summit, there's very little vegetation and the slope is much steeper. Climbing this section of Grays, I decided there was no way I was going to make Torreys Peak, too.
Once on top, though, I got summit fever and decided it was a shame not to bag them both. Here I am on the summit of Grays Peak (14,270 ft.) looking toward Torreys Peak:
This is the saddle between the two peaks:
and that little blob in this picture is me heading up to Torreys, the second peak:
Here's my brother, BG, and I at the top of Torreys:
and here is the view from Torreys. You really do feel like you're on top of the world.