Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD58

Welcome to

BLD Challenge 58

Our challenge this week is:

Trick OR Treat

Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:




Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked and a prize will be awarded.

Challenge 56 Winner is:

For Challenge 57...I had to pick 2 winners:

 Thank You for sharing your super card!  
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com

for details on your prize. 
Make sure to put BLD 56 or BLD57 Winner in the Subject Line.
Thank you ALL for sharing your amazing talent with us here at BLD this challenge!

Join us on our BLD FaCEBOOK Page for info, fun contests and more!!

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenge 57

Welcome to

BLD Challenge 57

Our challenge this week is:

Color (Black, Orange, & Your Choice)

Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:




Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked and a prize will be awarded.

 Thank You for sharing your super card!  
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com

for details on your prize. 
Make sure to put BLD 45 or BLD55 Winner in the Subject Line.
Thank you ALL for sharing your amazing talent with us here at BLD this challenge!


BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD54

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 54

Our challenge this week is:


Create a card, a project or a layout using anything school-y!


Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:

Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked and a prize will be awarded.

The Winner of our last challenge is: have won a quest design spot!!

 Thank You for sharing your super card!  
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com

for details on your prize. 
Make sure to put BLD53 Winner in the Subject Line.
Thank you ALL for sharing your amazing talent with us here at BLD this challenge!


BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD52

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 52

Our challenge theme this week is:

Designer Paper

Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:


Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked.
The Winner of our last challenge is:

 Thank You for sharing your awesome card!

Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com within 1 week to claim your prize.

*Be sure to add BLD Challenge Winner to the subject of your email or your prize will not be processed.* 

Thank You!

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD51

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 51

Our challenge theme this week is:



Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:

Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked.
The Winner of our last challenge is:
 Thank You for sharing your awesome card!
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com within 1 week to claim your prize.
*Be sure to add BLD Challenge Winner to the subject of your email or your prize will not be processed.* 

Thank You!

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD50

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 50

Our challenge theme this week is:

Summer Fun


Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:






Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked.
The Winner of our last challenge is:

 Thank You for sharing your awesome card!  

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

By LORi Designs Challenges - BLD49

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 49

Our challenge theme this week is:



Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:

Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked and a prize will be awarded.
The Winner of our last challenge is:

Kimberly Clark
 Thank You for sharing your awesome card!  
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com

for details on how to claim your prize. 
Make sue to put BLD48 Winner in the Subject Line.

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

By LORi Designs challenges - BLD48

Welcome to 
BLD Challenge 48

Our challenge this week is:
For Dad


Here is a great Father's Day image.
You could add a kiddo or 2 or in my case 5 and Voila...a perfect card for Daddy!

Dad & Son 



Be inspired by the wonderful BLD Designers:

Each challenge, a winning card/project will be picked and a prize will be awarded.
The Winner of our last challenge is:

 Thank You for sharing your awesome cards!  
Please email Lori at byloridesigns(at)gmail(dot)com

for details on how to claim your prize. 
Make sue to put BLD47 Winner in the Subject Line.

BLD challenges will run for 2 weeks from 

Wednesday until  Tuesday evenings at 12 am EST.

You are welcome to use any stamp image you choose, but 

using a BLD image would really make me smile!

Please link your card/project in the Inlinkz below.

Thank you for joining the fun and for sharing your BLD creation!

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