Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brr it's cold

I really wish I was here....

And here...
I'm thinking May... who is in?!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Vomit

So here is an update on what has been going on in our lives from Halloween to Christmas...There is still more to add but here you go for now... Enjoy!

Halloween and Birthday

These pictures are a little out of order but oh well. Ryan's birthday is on Halloween. Last year we dressed up and went out to eat but this year we didn't dress up since it was on a Sunday and we just went out to eat. All the Loock's came. I love it when we all get together for dinner. I LOVE FAMILY! We went to eat at Tucano's then went to Yogo Togo. Our all time favorite Frozen Yogurt place!!!
Here is Taylie, the cutest blue Fairy ever!
Brayden the cute Pinocchio
Ryan SUPER excited about his frozen yogurt
the crew
Taylie at Dinner
Brayden... he has the cutest smile... Love this kid!
Happy Birthday Hot Hubby
Jenn and Patrick
Our lovely friends, Jared and Desi
Best Friends
Desi and I
Casey and Sarah

A lady in our ward makes awesome cakes, I asked her to make one for Ryan's birthday. He loves Superman. I love how it turned out and it tasted sooooo yummy!


Thanksgiving we spent in Richfield with Ryan's family. It was such a good time. I wish I would have taken pictures but oh well... We had a yummy Thanksgiving feast and then that night around 11:30 headed over to Wally to hit up some of the black Friday sales. We got a new TV and lots of Blu-Rays. The day after Thanksgiving we went Christmas Tree cutting. I have never done it before so it was a new experience. I love spending time with family and am so grateful for two wonderful families. I am extremely grateful for the gospel in my life and the blessings I have received.

Campbells come to visit

At the beginning of December the Campbells came to visit us! I love it when family comes to visit.
One day while they were here we went bowling. Carson was the cutest. He LOVES Wii bowling so it was so fun to see his face doing actual bowling.
Ryan and Jaron helping Carson.
Lily Rae

Emma Sue


the kids were sooo excited to see and play in the snow but most of the snow had melted by the time they got here. So of course as they were packing up getting ready to head home, it starts to snow. The kids loved it. Here is Moo and I... I love her and can't wait for them to come back for a visit!

Christmas and New Years

This year we went to Vegas for Christmas to spend it with my family. Ryan and I had some vacation time we needed to use up before the end of the year so we headed down on Saturday the 18th and came home the 27th. My parents didn't think we were coming down until the 23rd so it was fun to surprise them. Our camera went crazy when we were there so I don't have too many pictures, but I did steal some from my sisters. So Enjoy....

Monday morning we did a Mangum Family Fun Run with a yummy breakfast afterward
My Bro Jer and his kids

Our CheerleadersMy sis Shannon and her kids
My sis Michelle and her family... don't they look so excited!!
Way to go Michelle

The starting line
Miss Shaunie Rae
It is a tradition for a sleep over with Aunt Krissy when we come down to visit. So here is our sleep over
Christmas Eve we did the nativity... here is the cast

Emma and Lily sang a song for everyone. Clint was able to come on his dinner break and play for his lovely girls. Maddy joined in.

Grandma and Grandpa got all the grandkids new jammies and blankets with their names on them. Ryan and I joined in for the picture with our new jammies too!
Ryan and I sporting our new jam jamsChristmas Morning

After opening gifts we went over to the Campbells to see what Santa brought them. Michelle got a nerf game so we tried it out!
After the gameIt was a blast spending time with the Mangum clan. Can't wait to do it again!

NEW YEARS... we took it easy. We went to Cafe Rio with our friends the Gomez' then headed to their house for movies and to just hang out. Hope everyone had a great new years!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy busy busy

Lately Ryan and I have been super busy and stressed. School is definitely making it hard to do anything fun. But I just keep telling myself, a month and a half and you will be DONE!!! Holy heavens I am so excited. I will miss the learning and interesting things I learn but definitely not the papers and exams. I have been so stressed out with school, I had 3 cold sores in 2 weeks. SO NOT FUN! So, what did I do today.... I went to my cousins' baby shower. Kortney and Karlie are two of the cutest prego girls I have ever seen. It is funny because Karlie is 4'10 and is literally looks like she has a basketball under her shirt. She is pretty big and still has 7 weeks to go, I do
not know where that baby is going to go because there is just no room!!

After the baby shower I went and saw some friends from high school. I seriously felt like I was back in high school for a minute. We laughed and reminisced about the many adventures together. Jana was in her room *trying* to take a nap so all us girls went in and piled in with her. Reminded me of our awesome slumber parties! Thanks for a fun afternoon ladies!

Then this evening I went and saw this amazing play.
The leading lady was a good friend from high school Debra Weed, and her fiance in the play, Taylor E, is a guy who used to sing in a group with my sister, and I hung out with him a few times in high school. It was super fun to see them. Aww I love days like today, a blast from the past :)