This year we went to Vegas for Christmas to spend it with my family. Ryan and I had some vacation time we needed to use up before the end of the year so we headed down on Saturday the 18th and came home the 27th. My parents didn't think we were coming down until the 23rd so it was fun to surprise them. Our camera went crazy when we were there so I don't have too many pictures, but I did steal some from my sisters. So Enjoy....
Monday morning we did a Mangum Family Fun Run with a yummy breakfast afterward
My Bro Jer and his kids

Our Cheerleaders

My sis Shannon and her kids

My sis Michelle and her family... don't they look so excited!!

Way to go Michelle

The starting line

Miss Shaunie Rae

It is a tradition for a sleep over with Aunt Krissy when we come down to visit. So here is our sleep over

Christmas Eve we did the nativity... here is the cast
Emma and Lily sang a song for everyone. Clint was able to come on his dinner break and play for his lovely girls. Maddy joined in.

Grandma and Grandpa got all the grandkids new jammies and blankets with their names on them. Ryan and I joined in for the picture with our new jammies too!

Ryan and I sporting our new jam jams

Christmas Morning

After opening gifts we went over to the Campbells to see what Santa brought them. Michelle got a nerf game so we tried it out!

After the game

It was a blast spending time with the Mangum clan. Can't wait to do it again!
NEW YEARS... we took it easy. We went to Cafe Rio with our friends the Gomez' then headed to their house for movies and to just hang out. Hope everyone had a great new years!