Sunday, December 18, 2011

Update on the Updates!

The latest from our first year check-up! Doctor was very complimentary of our little ladies. He told us to keep doing what we're doing, which is basically loving them a whole lot! We got great news, they can discontinue formula and graduate to milk (we weren't sure if they were ready because developmentally, they are still 2 months behind)! Such big girls. They did have to get a lot of shots, but all is forgiven and they are having fun, being one! Big shout out to my girl Marcie for going with us to the doctor and helping me baby wrangle!!!

Abby is 18 lbs, 12 oz. She is 27 3/4 inches long. Apparently, she does not enjoy doctor visits too much, although at the end she was snuggling Dr. Koola pretty good. We told him we would just leave her with him for a while, but he had other patients to see. She is such a princess. She really wants to just be carried around a whole lot and gets a little haughty expression on her face when you do (like she is ALL THAT). She tends to cry really easily and unfortunately is kind of a victim to Ella's bullying. She is starting to fight back a little but her first reaction is to cry to mommy. Future tattle tell? She sure does love to talk, this little one.

Ella is weighing in at 19 pounds even steven! She is measuring at 27 1/2 inches long (though that puts her a smidge shorter than Abby and I am not sure I am buying it). She is a spitfire and has so much spirit in her! She loves to go exploring (a little too much) and is doing pretty well drinking out of a cup - better than big sis! She is starting to give us less of a fight at bedtime, which is really nice. She has such a beautiful smile it is hard to see her so mad and upset at sleepy time.

We are going to keep enjoying our wonderful holiday season. Really, it has been the best. Everything is done now, except a service project that we will tell you more about this week. And then we get to relax and spend time with friends and family.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Connor is doing so great in Kindergarten! He is reading up a storm and is doing addition and subtraction (I don't believe I did that in k-g, but here's to scholastic progress over the last, ahem, so many years!). I get to be with him as a volunteer in class every other Friday and I co-teach the Music Enrichment classes once a month (Heaven holds a special place for Kindergarten teachers, let me just say). He is loving karate and is looking forward to lots of camping trips (we just got an RV for Christmas - he wants to sleep in it all the time)in the new year. He wrote his letter to Santa his very own self. He is so smart and cute as can be. Now if only I could get him to eat something more than peanut-butter honey sandwiches, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese! He loves to take baths. He uses his goggles from snorkeling. The other day he called me in the bathroom and said "Mom! Watch me go goggle-ing!"

Abby got her two front teeth for Christmas! Really! Plus an extra one on the side. She stood by herself for a few seconds just today. She is a very serious little girl, Grandma predicts a lawyer, maybe? But when she does give you a smile, it lights up the room. Crawling everywhere. You have to watch your step around our house! Very dainty eater! After they snarfed their red velvet birthday cake, I went to wash their outfits. Ella had cake all over her skirt, sleeves, etc. Abby? Not one crumb!!! She needs to stand up (so to speak) to her sister a little bit or she is going to be a victim alot. The other day we were getting ready for church and the girls were playing in the hall way. I came out and saw that Abby's little flower headband had been pulled down over her face and the pretty pink flower was sitting right over her nose. She just looked at me with those big blue eyes. Ella, of course, thought this was great fun.

Speaking of Ella, she is such a joy! She just thinks everything is funny (particularly if her sister is having a melt down - oh my, that's HILARIOUS). She is always smiling and exploring - she's very curious. I caught her just in time the other day as she was preparing to explore the toilet. Both girls love the remote but it is really funny - whenever Ella changes the channel on you (they both do this ALL THE TIME when you are watching TV) it always seems to end up on a Spanish speaking t.v. show, movie or music channel. Then she cranks up the volume! Maybe she will be bi-lingual? She stood up by herself briefly yesterday. She then took her first two steps and two more today. Uh oh! She has two teeth in the bottom and a front tooth on top is just starting to poke through.

The girls both go to the doctor on Friday so I should have updates on height and weight. Hope you are enjoying your holiday season...I will try to post a few birthday pictures soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday...

To my darling girls.....
I love you more than words can say.....

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Pink Warrior in the Fight!

I would like to ask for prayers and healing thoughts for Charese Foster. She is a young mother of three who is fighting for her life. She has been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer). She has already lost both her breasts and the cancer has also chosen to reside in her liver, lungs, lymph system and now her brain. She is a young mother to 3 very young children and needs everything good we can send her way now. I do not know Charese personally, I used to work with her sister Cami. What matters is that she is in this fight, needs help and I feel that we are all in a war against breast cancer one way or another. I do know that she has an incredible family and support system, but she can always use more goodness so let's get in this together!

You can visit her blog at I have linked it along with my other blog links on the right side of the page.

Thank you eveyone....will keep you posted!