Wednesday, March 17, 2010

From the Open Mouth, Insert Foot Department....


Connor really loves those super balls that you bounce and they go up way high. But he loses them. Alot. I am thinking about one particularly ugly incident where he lost one in Costco and the howling was such that complete strangers were trying to help me find it. Including a couple with a guide dog. No such luck. True story.

Now I buy them whenever I think about it, so there will always be plenty of substitutes on hand. I was at the supermarket last night and was getting checked out (in the grocerial sense, not like "hey, check her out" although I guess I shouldn't assume) and paying for my purchase. There were two men in line behind me, a male checker and a male bag technician. I started to walk away and I heard one of the guys behind me say "Hey, these aren't ours" and I turned around and saw him holding the package of balls. We realized that I wasn't charged for them so we started the process of purchasing them. To try and be funny, I turned to the guys behind me and said "What? You don't want bouncy balls?" Ever have one of those moments that the very second something leaves your lips you want the proverbial trap door to open and shoot you down to a dark dank basement because it would be better than feeling that blush rush go shooting up your head? Mine was worse than that. Hoping that the "gentlemen" behind me would be inclined to play it cool, I turned to see one doubled over while the other one is hitting him. The grocery employees won't even look at me! I can just imagine what was said after I left.

In an unrelated story, I am trying to find a new grocery store. Great prices, beautiful produce and trap doors at every register. Anyone got any recommendations?

Monday, March 15, 2010

No Place Like Home

Just returned last night from my California trip to say good-bye to Gwen. I will post a few pics, all in all it went well. It is hard to let her go. It was so much fun to see my old friends again, but when it comes right down to it, there IS no place like home, my home now that is (even if the previous home IS sunny, beachy and darn near paradise). I missed my guys and my life here. It's good to be back and have that behind me. I feel like I can move forward with life now, like it just all had to wait until I could get this done. We got a very sweet note from her Mom, and I think Gwen loved every minute of it. So, now on to 2010! Let's get this party started!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sticks and Stones

Went to pick up the little man from school only to walk in right in the middle of a scolding from his teacher about making his friend Larkin feel bad. Apparently there were words uttered in the heat of battle and Connor was completely unrepentent. He refused to apologize! The offending words? He called Larkin a "diaper". Apparently, in toddler speak, thems is fightin' words. I was appropriately apalled (as you can be when you are trying not to laugh) and told Larkin that I am sure Connor is sorry. Once in the car, I asked him WHAT UP with calling Larkin "that" name and he retorted with great indignity "Well, (which is how Con starts every sentence these days) she called me POOPY!!" (Are you sensing a theme here?). Tried to tell Connor that he needs to turn the other cheek (so to speak) and not let it get him down. Ah, the life lessons, starting already. Good to know he can hold his own, though!