Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween's Just Monkey Business

Monkey See, Monkey Do, who's that wearin' that monkey suit?

Elfin Cayden and Christopher - Awesome costumes, guys!

Gypsy Mama and Monkey Boy

Headless Horseman - how freakin' cool is that!!! (he throws candy too - bonus points!)

Trunk or Treat!!

With Cousin Hope - the Cutiest Elephant Ever!

Happy Halloween, Sucker!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Atomic Amy and the Spent Rods

Here is one of our official band photos...taken by Ginnie J! Ginnie used her special 10 years younger, 10 pounds lighter cam. Thanks Gin Jo!! Ain't we cute?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Because I Love You....

And because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I would like to encourage, no demand, that all my fabulous friends and sisters aged 40 or over go out and get your mammograms!!! I know, sounds like a fun way to spend quality time with yourself and I know you are thinking "I'd rather get a pedicure, thanks Aims" and quite frankly, so would I! But mammograms SAVE LIVES!!! I just got mine today, thank you very much and got me to thinking of all of the beautiful women in my life that I love and want to have with me for a very very long time. They are a little uncomfortable, but they are quick and painless. Okay, I'll be honest, as pain free as a squisher
can be. And nothing says you can't schedule a pedi after your appointment. So do both!!! If you haven't reached the FABULOSITY that is 40 yet, then please tell (don't ask) your friends, sisters, mothers, grandmother, aunties - whatever women in your life that are 40 and fierce to schedule a mammogram TODAY!
For more information, visit BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Men At Work

I couldn't resist posting a few of these - Lonny and Connor hard at work. Please note that Connor is using his own drill courtesy The Whites.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

We've Been Tagged!

Courtesy of our cute buddy Keanon, here are


I would also add a disclaimer that 5 is not nearly enough!

1) Ask Connor what the cow says...."Moo!"
Ask Connor what the Chloe Cat says...."Meow Meow!"
But ask Connor what the Mommy says and he cries
with gusto "I LOVE YOU!!!"

2) How he puts socks on his hands and says "Hello, Puppet!"

3) How he demands "Wanna kiss too!" when you are leaving and
almost (accidentally on purpose) forget to give him one

4) The hand motions he makes when we sing "Twinkle Little Star"
Runner up: how he always wants you to sing "Happy Birthday"
to him before he takes his nap

5) How I would crawl over broken glass for just one of his
heart melting smiles

And (I am cheating with a #6) how this little being has completely
(to borrow a phrase from my girl Ginnie) ROCKED MY WORLD!!!

Okay, so now Connor is tagging and would like to hear from 5 of his friends:

-Cayden & Christopher (I know, I know - that's cheating!)
-Addelyn (I would really be pushing it with all 4...or 6!)
-Hallie Mae
-Zack (yes Deidra you've been tagged again!)

Adventures of Big Boy Bed!

We decided that last night would be the big one....first night in the big boy bed! We went with the twin bed option, with a rail and great new bedding (along with his posse - trains, Mick Monkey, Elmo, Oliver Bear, Lightening McQueen). Connor helped his dad set it up and everything!

At first we thought we would never get him to sleep he was so excited. There was QUITE a bit of jumping and exploring. But after a change into snuggly jammies, two bedtime stories, two requests for water and a little bit of fussing, he finally fell asleep. We didn't hear a peep out of him all night. We did go in and check on him twice, but he did so great. We are really proud of our little big boy bed champion!

Yes, he is reading a book about himself!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Simply Because...

He's cute! And no, we don't have him locked up in a cage, or caught in some kind of toddler-catching net (though not a bad idea, come to think of it) he's bouncing!

Latest Connorism: Singing the ABC song....think you know it? Guess again! Goes a little something like this:

"abcd abc abcd (shouting) LMNOP abc mumble mumble mumble WXYZ!" Now you know your time won't you (try) to sing with Connor!