We have had a wonderful couple of days in our family. On Friday evening Grandma and Grandpa McNabb and the whole gang rolled in. Kirstin and her husband Ben even came with their new baby Kira. The girls were so excited to meet their new cousin.

Hailey and Kira
Everyone got their costumes on. We had a banana, a fairy, an elephant, a 50's girl,Indiana Jones, Darth Vador, a
really cute lady bug and Ben and Kirstin were from Pirates of the Carribean. Then we headed to Vale to go Trunk-R-Treating before the big Nyssa -vs- Vale game. The game didn't turn out well for Nyssa, the season is over. A win would have taken us to the state playoffs. Treats for the girls
did turn out well. We are not talking candy treats, we are talking fun treats. We have 2 different friends that gave each of them a bag full of goodies. For example, glow sticks, puzzles, halloween socks, playdough and much more. I told Lee there is no need to go trick or treating when they get things like that. They don't need candy anyway.

On Saturday we all just visited and the kids ran around. Grandma and Grandpa Smith got here around 2:30. Hailey was patient enough to wait and celebrate her birthday a day late so everyone could be here. She got a lot of clothes which she really needed because she is getting so tall. I know she wasn't too excited about new clothes but she had a lot of other things to be excited about. She got gifts for her baptism in addition to the really cool High School Musical package from Aunt Emmy. Aunt Emmy always sends the stuff mom and dad don't buy but Hailey wants. Thanks Emily!!!!!!!!!!! She got a fleece blanket she got to cut and tie up the ends by herself (it is already done), pajamas and socks.I also took her to High School Musical 3 last week the day it came out as part of her birthday.

At 4:00 Lee was able to baptize a boy named Mike Smith that lives near us. He goes to the middle school. He has been having the discussions for a while and asked Lee to baptise him. It was a really nice baptism. Experiences like this show the strength of youth in Nyssa. They are great missionaries. There were a lot of people from the ward and friends from school there to support him.

Then at 6:30 was Hailey's baptism, she was baptised by Lee. She shared the night with 4 other kids. I still can't believe we are old enough to have a daughter that is 8. Right after she was baptised she was confirmed by her dad. We had a lot of friends there in addition to all the family. Some of them are not members of the church. Hailey invited them and I am glad she did. Hailey knows what is important to her and she wanted to invite everyone she cares about to be there. The best part is they came! I know they were able to feel the spirit during her confirmation. She is such a good example of being a missionary. She got a baptism journal and scrapbook from Ben and Kirstin. She has already started filling it out. She loves to write stories and journal entries so this was her favorite gift. She will be able to write down all the feelings she had on this special day.

The Whole Gang