Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer 2013--A Quick Look

Our trip to UT!
First stop was to my family reunion.
My brother and sis in law hosted..they live on a lake,
which proved to be awesome and fun!
Also, my mom had some really great crafts
that we enjoyed making as we sat and visited.
Thanks mom!! My kids love their journal blocks. :)

Olivia loved the water balloons!

He loved it. :)

My favorite family picture of us!

All the nieces and nephews...15!

My family!!

Our little family (minus Jane who was napping) took a
trip out on the paddle boat. So fun, but it totally
wore me out. lol. chubby pregnant woman tanked it.
 After my reunion ended, we headed down south to Provo to
visit with Greg's family!
On the way down we took a super super quick stop at my
 dear, sweet, wonderful,
friend Amber's house. Oh how I wish we lived closer!!

If this didn't make me baby hungry I don't know what will!
I loved holding sweet baby Autumn!! So precious!!
Can't wait to meet my own little guy as well!

Had to get a picture with the Y :)

Olivia was grandma Sheri's helper..making enchiladas for
dinner and they were GOOD!

My kids got this splash pad 2 days in a row! Happy campers.

I loved, loved, loved seeing Linz as well! We got to
hang out for like 4 hours or so! Loved catching up with
her, we haven't seen each other for around 5 years!

2 days before we headed back to Houston, 
my friend Audri had her baby shower in the SLC area
and I got to attend! I was SO happy about the timing!
Loved seeing 3 of my best friends in the world.

And to end this extremely long post....London and Jane.
Matching in just about every way. SO CUTE!

Great trip! We of course are always happy to return
back to our own home, but we seriously had a great
time! So grateful for wonderful family and friends!

The New Luke!

Luke lost one of his front teeth on Labor Day!!
It was sort of dramatic, but once we numbed him up Greg
was able to pull it right out. He looks so different--makes us
laugh every time we look at him. haha.
The other front tooth is wiggly and will be coming out in the 
next couple of weeks, we assume.
His first grade picture will be awesome. lol

Our handsome man on his first day of 1st grade.

day 3

day 4 
- showing off a picture he created at school that day.

Luke loves school and is doing really well.
For him I'm sure, the most exciting part about
going each day is that he is in the same class
with his best friend from Kindergarten!
Not sure how they got so lucky, but we're glad they
are together again...they are both competitive (especially
when it comes to reading challenges) and they push each
other! Good times.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our New Headboard

Greg and I have had a king sized bed for almost 2 years.
We have, however, only had a king sized headboard
for less than a week. :) We made this and finished it this
past Monday. Yay!

We love it. I love it.
Now, I just need to finish decorating the rest of the room.
Oh, and the gray walls, pillows, and bedspread are new too!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Carrie Underwood Concert!!!

Okay, for those of you who may not know,
Greg got me Carrie Underwood tickets for Christmas.
It was the best surprise gift ever! 
You see, I've never been to a concert. Never.
I've been to Broadway Musicals, several of them, but
never a concert. And, I've mentioned several times
over the years that a Carrie Underwood concert would be
a fun "first concert" to go to.  Lucky for Greg he happened
to have the radio on the right station as he was driving
home from work one day. He bought them as soon
as he got home (I wasn't home) and had them mailed to our
house (which is a miracle I didn't rip up the envelope because I
used to do that to mail that looked like "junk mail").
Anyway, I opened the tickets on Christmas morning and
so began the long 4 month wait until the actual concert.
That wait ended last night!! Yay. :)

We had 2 good friends help out with the kids and we
headed downtown. 

The opening act was a kid named Hunter Hayes.
Greg and I have never heard of him, but apparently
he is one of the new teenage heart throbs. :)

I enjoyed his music and his performance.

I made Greg take this picture of us so we could look
excited. whack whack.


This was the Cowboy Casanova song I like...
so fun to see it live!

The band (minus mr. drummer boy) got on
this moving stage and made their way into
the crowd. It was neat watching her move closer
and closer.  Oh, and by the way, Greg bought 
us super awesome floor seats so we were really
close to the when she came out on this we
were S.U.P.E.R. close!! So cool!

 Loved it!
 This picture is supposed to have the stage in the background,
but the lights went out before we could get the picture taken. :(

The final song...Blown Away!

I was indeed, Blown Away. :)
Well done, Carrie. :)
Love her.

A Quick Look at March

Olivia's first talk in primary! March 2nd I 
March 2nd even a Sunday? lol. Her topic was "Jesus Christ
is our Savior". She did great--so adorable when Sunbeams
get up there.
 Sweet Jane.
 Olivia's first preschool field trip fell on a day when the
elementary didn't have school, so Luke and a couple
other older siblings got to come along as well.
We went to our local Fire Department. The kids loved it.
The men were all very nice and friendly. Luke got to try
on a giant fireman coat, as well as "drive" the fire truck.
 Olivia got to be her usual self...grumpy. :) I can't remember
why she was mad, but she got over it quickly and had a good time.
Oh, I think she was mad because she didn't want to 
be up in the truck but I wanted to get a picture of her so
I made her. lol. 

 Liv has the sweetest little friends in preschool.

Happy Easter
Luke, pulling his charm for the camera. :)
 Olivia had been asking for a new blue dress,
so we made sure to find her one. So pretty.

Also in March, The girls and I were invited to the zoo
with a friend and her little girl. We had a great time.
Although it doesn't have a gorilla or a polar bear, I love our Houston Zoo.

And there's March for ya!