Sunday, July 31, 2011

The semester ended with a BANG!!!

Well we have made it through our first semester managing our new apartment. It has been SUCH an awesome experience with the ups and downs that come with men who sometimes "forget" to think before they act :)

This picture explains it all...on the last day of the semester a few guys (from a neighboring apartment) decided to set off fireworks in the dry dry brush. Needless to say...we had four fire trucks, 1 ambulance, 4 police officers and 100 ONLOOKERS who have nothing else to do on a friday night ( I know this picture means I am one of those onlookers, but to my defense this picture is out of my window) :) Oh the joys of living with single men!

Since it is the 7 week break, we have had tried to spend all the time we can together. The zoo was SOOO much better this time because the animals were moving all over and very interactive with Kai.

Wow...I am now even more determined NEVER to meet a Lion...They're HUGE!

Oh my boys...I can NEVER get enough of them!

We also took Kai to the "lake" for the first time....they call it a lake, but it is just water that they bring in each summer :)

Did I mention the water was FREEZING....Kai and I didn't last very long, but the sand and people watching was SO MUCH FUN!

I am so thankful for boys who make me smile, and for weather that we can play in and for NO MORE FIRES....I HOPE!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


In our new apartment (which we still LOVE) we get free air conditioning. To say Logan is obsessed is an understatement....we have a 66 degree house 24/7. Well, the last few days Logan has been working nights and while he is working the air goes OFF giving my legs a break from the goose bumps. UNFORTUNATELY sometimes I forget to turn it back on.

It got so HOT in fact that when I did my nightly check of Kai before bed, this is what I found. He took off his new summer jammies and exchanged it for his birthday suit!!! Doesn't he look so peaceful and cute?? and look at his growing chunker thighs... I WUV HIM!

With Daddy home, and the AIR running..Kai is one happy boy!

Monday, July 11, 2011


This weekend we went to Scoop Jam in Idaho was TONS of fun and Kai definitely tried to steal the show with his dance moves. The band kept looking at Kai trying to see what everyone was laughing at...Yep thats my boy. I am just bummed that i didn't get my camera out earlier.

And of course we couldn't have a weekend without our Kim. She seriously makes Kai's week so much more special! We all love her!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Have a mentioned lately how much I love this little boy??? Well, let me tell you again! He is constantly making us smile, and growing up so fast!

We have been spending A TON of time outside and LOVING every second of it. I vowed not to complain about the heat, because I know soon enough I will dream of these HOT days :)

Kai's new shades!

This is the, "I just ate dirt, weeds, ect. and it didn't taste as good as it looked" face!

I can barely keep up with this kid, Hence the blurry pic.

Lately Log and I have started getting Kai comfortable with his new potty. Yes I know he may be too young to express to me that he has to go to the bathroom, but its never too early to start. This pic was our first attempt. We sat him on it, gave him some books to read and a few minutes later he wanted out. BUT when i picked him up he had gone both kinds of bathroom (haha, I didn't know what else to call it). I censored it so it wouldn't be too nasty for you, but we are so proud of our big boy Kai! And he was SO proud of himself, he kept clapping every time we would talk about it!

So the moral of this story....I LOVE MY LITTLE BOY!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth

What is not to love about the fourth? Freedom, Fun, AND Food! Today did not let us down. We started out with the Rexburg Parade, which was AWESOME because Kai really enjoyed looking at all of the trucks and PEOPLE! And we ended the day with a fun bbq, and fireworks. At around 11:00pm Logan and I went out to our back yard and sat together watching fireworks put on by...everyone and their dog, and it was so awesome and so romantic and SO FREE!!!

We love our sweet Kai!! Thanks Mema and Peapaw for my awesome shirt!

Kai clapped as each float went by.

I love my baby boy, through EVERYTHING he helps me to smile and live in the moment!

Aunty Im was in the parade and we were able to see her at the end and sport her hecka cool sunglasses!!

On a more serious note PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for my Nephew Everett. His open heart surgery was moved to tomorrow July 5th and we just love him so much! He is a tough little boy and we hope to have everything go well and the recovery to go quickly as well! We love you Baby Ev!!