I am a little bit hesitant admitting that the weather is BEAUTIFUL here because I don't want it to change back to GROSS Idaho.
BUT...it is too beautiful not to give a shout out to! This week has been so so pretty! Everyday Logan and I have taken Kai out on walks, bike rides, park trips and of course he experienced his first Sno shack snowcone, and of course he loved it!

Kai loves to swing! Since the weather is so crummy this was only his second time experiencing it and he just laughed and laughed!

My Mom has pictures of me making this funny face when I was Kai's age and somehow he picked it up too. Going along with this "FUNNY" face is a sweet little sound coming out of his nose! Ha ha that is when you know he is REALLY having a good time!

Ever since Kai mastered walking, he has decided that he is obsessed with life! He is constantly giggling as he discovers something else. It must feel so good to really have no worries...he is so so happy!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....I have a new bike!!!! For an early B-day present Logan got me a bike so we can continue our family bike rides (without always having to borrow). I am seriously so excited to think of all the adventures I will go on in this bike...I know that sounds corny but it really is so much fun to just RIDE and feel the wind in my hair. Haha ok ill stop now!
So thats our update from SUNNY Rexburg, and I am going to enjoy EVERY minute while I can!