Sunday, May 29, 2011


Where in the world did this year go??? Thinking back, we had NOOO idea how much our life would change...and no matter what, I am SOOO glad it did!

One week late, we were finally given the go...and off to the hospital we went to be induced.

9 hours later, Kai William Tataipu joined our family, and changed our lives!

Happy Birthday baby boy....we love you so much and can't wait for LOTS more birthdays!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What happens in Idaho....stays in Idaho!!!

My sweet baby will be turning one this week. CRAZY!!!! And since he was born...and so far raised in Idaho, I decided to pay my respects with a little cowboy photo shoot :)

Thank you Idaho...for rubbing off on us a little!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


What kind of person is obsessed with Neosporin? Well the kind of person who falls, jumps, and dives every TWO seconds...aka KAI! Poor Joelle has been watching him for the last month until I finish up school and I swear every day she tells me something else that this little monkey did.

This week, he learned how to get out of the pack n' play...AWESOME...she didn't know he was out until she heard him knocking on the back door! Please accept our apology Joelle...ONLY 5 MORE DAYS!

Look closely...his legs are off the ground!! He has found a love for his new ability to climb. Unfortunately he is really good at balancing that little body on anything and EVERYTHING!

If you can't tell, he is bonking his head on the door over and over...he thinks it is so funny, and now we can't get him to stop, HENCE the ever existing bruises!

We love you little boy...we just wish you would be KINDER to yourself!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This weekend Kai experienced a TON of changes. We have been wanting to ween him off of his bottle and binkie, since he will be one in a little over a week. I was going to start with the binkie since I thought that would be the hardest, but when it wasn't as bad as I expected, we decided to do it all at once....SO here is our picture journey!

I FINALLY decided to take a step back and allow Kai to completely feed himself. After lots of laughs and a HUGE mess I would say it was a success!

Kai sleeping for the LAST time with his beloved binkie....

No more binkie, day or night. After one confused nap, he has completely forgotten about the dang thing...and I could not be more happy!

The VERY last bottle, with the LAST little bit of formula....TEAR :(

No more bottles and no more formula. I thought I would get a huge reaction taking away his bottle, but he could care LESS!! Thankfully!

To congratulate Kai and OURSELVES for the accomplishment we decided to enjoy an AMAZING weekend together!!!!!

Mrs. Tubbs (aka my favorite teacher/friend at Iona Elementary) and her husband made this lawn chair for Kais' upcoming birthday! Thanks so much, he loves it! With the awesome weather we sat outside 24/7...well almost!

Logan, Kai and I were able to go to the zoo with our friends Jonathan, Lindsey and Talmage! We really love them and love the matching strollers!!!

I was a nervous bad would a donkey bite hurt??? I didn't want to find out!

Do you love zebras??? I DO... I could stare all day. And Lindsey told me that no two zebras are the same.....I NOW LOVE THEM MORE! So awesome!

They had a sweet little play area, and I'm pretty sure it was one of Kais' favorite areas. He loves dirt and loves the way it tastes :(

Talmage didn't want to wear his hat, so Kai gave it a try...for point two seconds...WHY WON'T THEY KEEP HATS ON???

Kai loves to swing, ALMOST as much as he loves straws. I'm pretty sure he got that from me.

After a VERY long and VERY exciting weekend we all felt like taking a nap!

SO....farewell dear bottle, formula and binkie....YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What a wonderful WEEK!

This has been SUCH a great week! Not only was I completely spoiled for Mothers Day but I was also able to enjoy another exceptional day with my sweet boys! Logan made sure both days were amazing and my family and friends were so loving! There is something about a birthday that makes you feel so loved (even when you don't want to acknowledge that you are getting older).

Of course Kai is my GREATEST joy and these videos just show a few of his new tricks :)

The second video is my favorite because Kai is so so proud of himself...he always claps when he thinks he's the "COOL" kid! I love this boy, he makes each day so so fun!

Monday, May 9, 2011

2 + 3 = 23!!!

Happy Birthday!!!

I wanted to be the first one to wish you a Happy Birthday! I hope you know how much Kai and I love and appreciate all that you do - you are such a wonderful mother and wife! My love for you grows every day that we are together and I look forward to the Eternity of birthday's I get to spend with you! Have a very Happy Birthday!!!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring is in the air!!!

I am a little bit hesitant admitting that the weather is BEAUTIFUL here because I don't want it to change back to GROSS Idaho. is too beautiful not to give a shout out to! This week has been so so pretty! Everyday Logan and I have taken Kai out on walks, bike rides, park trips and of course he experienced his first Sno shack snowcone, and of course he loved it!

Kai loves to swing! Since the weather is so crummy this was only his second time experiencing it and he just laughed and laughed!

My Mom has pictures of me making this funny face when I was Kai's age and somehow he picked it up too. Going along with this "FUNNY" face is a sweet little sound coming out of his nose! Ha ha that is when you know he is REALLY having a good time!

Ever since Kai mastered walking, he has decided that he is obsessed with life! He is constantly giggling as he discovers something else. It must feel so good to really have no worries...he is so so happy!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....I have a new bike!!!! For an early B-day present Logan got me a bike so we can continue our family bike rides (without always having to borrow). I am seriously so excited to think of all the adventures I will go on in this bike...I know that sounds corny but it really is so much fun to just RIDE and feel the wind in my hair. Haha ok ill stop now!

So thats our update from SUNNY Rexburg, and I am going to enjoy EVERY minute while I can!