Well I just got back from my Dr. appointment and it was not a good one! First off I gained 4 pds. in one week bringing me to a running total of 21. How in the world do you gain 4 pds in a week when you walk 5-7 miles a day and don't eat any more then usual???? Its a mystery!!
I was hoping this would be my last visit (since the plan was to be induced) but as I was checked I could tell that I was not about to get the news that I wanted. Unfortunately I have not changed AT ALL since last weeks visit...still 1 cm and 75% effaced.
So my Dr. gave me two choices...
1) I get induced on the 24th which would GREATLY increase my chances of having a C-Section since my body isn't quite progressing fast enough.
2) Wait it out, check again next week and just hope and pray that baby Kai wants to meet us soon and won't continue to get LARGER AND LARGER.
...of course to make sure my baby is healthy I chose to wait and Pray that he comes.
Although i may be writing this post very calmly, I left the appointment in tears and I can't really say they have stopped since. I felt so embarrassed for crying at the Office but my Dr. assured me that he sees it every day with women as far along as I am. I know I only have a max of 2 weeks until I get to meet my little boy but this waiting game is harder on my body than I thought it would be. I am contracting and morning sick all over again but it must just be a sign that I need a little more time.
SO thats the update for now, I wish it was a happier one but hopefully that post wont be too far off!