Sunday, May 30, 2010


Kai William Tataipu
Born: May 29, 2010
at 11:31 pm
7 lbs 6 oz  20 1/2 inches long
9 hours of labor + a supportive Mom and Husband = Such a perfect baby!

Such a great Daddy already.  It was so neat to watch Kai calm down just because he heard his Dad's voice!

Kai LOVES the bath.  He had a traumatic entry into this world but it was nothing a bubble bath couldn't cure...Obviously!

My sweet sleeping angel!
We are just so happy and thankful that everything worked out so well! We Love Kai and can't wait for our life with him.

P.S. Labor story coming soon! We were so lucky to have such skilled Drs and nurses...they knew exactly what to do and I couldn't feel more blessed!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well...I decided it was time to update the blog from depressing mode to happy mode :)  I am 40 weeks pregnant and it is such a joy....okay that may be pushing it a little too far, but I really do love feeling my baby move and picturing our soon to be life with him!

I had another Dr. appointment this week and for the good news I lost a pound....but unfortunately my body still does not want to progress.  So now the decision changed a little bit more....I either get induced this week which could be a higher chance for c-section since my body isn't progressing OR I can wait until next week to be induced and allow for not only a higher chance of c-section but it can make the baby stress as well.  

SO....on Friday the Dr. will be putting a Cook Catheter inside me which I guess it just puts pressure on my cervix so that it will hopefully start working (dilating and contracting) on its own.  And then on Saturday morning I will be induced.  I am super nervous but also SUPER excited and hope all goes well.

My back pain continues but thanks to our friends Nate and Joelle we were taught the way to get an ultimate pregnant massage.  You take ALL of the pillows in your house and arrange them so that there is a hole just for your belly in the middle.  Seriously it takes away all the pressure...then all you need is a super awesome husband to give you the massage of a lifetime!

Here is our last picture....LUCKILY! 40 Weeks and 2 days to go!!!

All I am waiting for now is for my Mom to FINALLY be in Idaho, she is on her way and I couldn't be more excited!  Prayers are very welcomed so feel free to spend some extra time on your knees for our baby's safe arrival!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Well I just got back from my Dr. appointment and it was not a good one!  First off I gained 4 pds. in one week bringing me to a running total of 21.  How in the world do you gain 4 pds in a week when you walk 5-7 miles a day and don't eat any more then usual???? Its a mystery!!

I was hoping this would be my last visit (since the plan was to be induced) but as I was checked I could tell that I was not about to get the news that I wanted.  Unfortunately I have not changed AT ALL since last weeks visit...still 1 cm and 75% effaced.  

So my Dr. gave me two choices...
1) I get induced on the 24th which would GREATLY increase my chances of having a  C-Section since my body isn't quite progressing fast enough.
2) Wait it out, check again next week and just hope and pray that baby Kai wants to  meet us soon and won't continue to get LARGER AND LARGER.

...of course to make sure my baby is healthy I chose to wait and Pray that he comes.  

Although i may be writing this post very calmly, I left the appointment in tears and I can't really say they have stopped since. I felt so embarrassed for crying at the Office but my Dr. assured me that he sees it every day with women as far along as I am.  I know I only have a max of 2 weeks until I get to meet my little boy but this waiting game is harder on my body than I thought it would be.  I am contracting and morning sick all over again but it must just be a sign that I need a little more time.

SO thats the update for now, I wish it was a happier one but hopefully that post wont be too far off!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

This weekend I was spoiled by my wonderful husband with Mothers Day and Birthday pampering...and lets just say I took total advantage of the fact with lots of massages and yummy treats!!!  

Mothers Day morning I woke up to a delicious breakfast in bed...but my favorite part was the homemade strawberry rose by Logan!!  The rest of the day was so wonderful and I know it was because Logan tried so hard to make everything perfect, and he TOTALLY succeeded!
Okay blog I am, large and in charge!! I am 38 weeks, almost 1 cm and 75% effaced.  Unless Kai decides to come on his own (fingers crossed) it looks like we will be induced on the 24th. We are almost there!!!

Kai's room is practically ready and has been given lots of love and attention.  Since I am home throughout the day I spend a lot of my time cleaning and rearranging things in his room for the 100th time...hopefully by the time he comes I will be completely satisfied!

As you can see things in Idaho are going great as we happily await our little addition!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sista, SISTA!!!

Yep you guessed it...another May birthday is finally here!!!  This Birthday girl has gone by many names in the past like: HQ, Miss Quinn, Moose, and Mom.  For me its plain and simple, I love to call her my SISTER!!! 

Heather is honestly the best girlfriend anyone can ask for.  She is kind, funny, and willing to help anyone in anyway!  Even though she is all the way in England she constantly turns my bad days into good ones just by her positive outlook.  

When Heather and I get together we have one goal...and goal only, make people laugh! We tend to laugh at ourselves more than accomplishing our goal but I love every second of it!!!  I feel so thankful that Heavenly Father gave me a best friend that I would always have, who just happened to be my sister!!

I love you seester and hope you have an amazing BIRTHDAY!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

May is a month full of birthdays and today is one of the most special of all because today is my Moms birthday.  I just felt that Mothers Day really wasn't enough to share with the blogging world just how much I love this woman!  

I am the woman I am today because of a Mother who worked hard and took her job as a parent very seriously!  From a young age we were taught the importance of serving others, standing up for what we believe in and the importance of family time.  As most of you have been able to tell us "McKee girls" are very strong willed, independent and hard working; which are just a few traits I can say are mastered only because of a Mother who taught us well and taught me NEVER to give up on my dreams.  

Thank you Mom for being the Woman that you are!  I would be SOOO lucky to become like you someday!