Sunday, December 13, 2009


One of my friends found this and I just couldn't resist it!!!


Not too long ago I found out that David Archuletta was coming to do a concert at BYU-Idaho...and to put it as simple as I can, I was totally STOKED about it!  
Well time came and went as it always does, and it completely left my mind (which now happens quite frequently).  I didn't remember until I heard the disastrous, life changing news, "David Archuletta sold out in 7 Minutes!!"  That day I through the fit of all fits, while Logan just sat and smiled at me and said, "Man I wish you loved me this much :)"  I even turned David on full blast on my computer, just to get the feeling like I was at the concert.
A few weeks went by and the night before the concert Logan hit me with the news, HE BOUGHT TICKETS!! Oh how I cheered! I called my mom, wrote my sister, I even thought about writing it in my journal, but Log thought that was a little weird! 

Here we are before the concert, I was feeling sick but not letting anything get in my way!

I was pumped for it to start and couldn't help but laugh at my wonderful husband who looked quite bored but came with me anyway...I love him!

For those of you who don't know about David, he was on American Idol and I think he sings amazingly...and with that, Logan did agree....the thousands of screaming girls he didn't quite understand though :)

While David was resting his "precious vocals" I found my friend Michelle who shared just as much excitement as I did, it was a definite picture waiting to happen!

The night was sadly over... and we (maybe just I) seriously had such a good time!!  

Thursday, November 26, 2009


What a wonderful Thanksgiving Logan and I had in little ol' Rexburg! This season I continue to feel more and more grateful for all the blessings I have in my life.  For those of you who have not heard the exciting rumors, WE ARE PREGNANT, and I could not be more excited to be a Mom and this baby will be so lucky to have Logan as a Dad.  We are both so thankful for our families, our home, and the Gospel which fills me with strength and comfort! 

Since we are planning on going home for Christmas we decided to save some money and make our own Thanksgiving celebration....This was the first thanksgiving where I made everything by myself and lets just say I took on the challenge!!

I wanted to prove that I don't throw up at everything so I prepared the Turkey on my own and even stuck butter inside the skin...kind of gross I know. BUT I DID IT!!!

Lucky for us the Turkey came out of the oven just in time and turned out AMAZING!!!

The beautiful meal,  lets be honest the CranApple Martinelli's was DELICIOUS!!

Our meal was complete and now all we needed to do was pray that everything tasted as good as it looked, seriously, I was scared :)

I've never been a fan of the legs but my little "barbarian" couldn't wait to get his hands on it!

I really can't even explain my happiness at this point...#1 I was eating #2 It tasted good #3 I got to spend the whole day with my best friend! Life could seriously not be better!

I knew it was a successful Thanksgiving meal when I looked over to my Love and his stomach was protruding farther than mine, and it was almost too much work to keep his eyes open. What a great day!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Madness!

Happy Halloween! I've been chastised by my "blog master" of a sister for not updating so here I am, trying to embrace the blogger within me! Each year pumpkin carving tops the list of my all time favorite activity. It may be gooey, sticky and smelly but the blessed seeds inside make it all worth it :)

                 This was the time for total concentration...a mess-up would be devastating!

    My handsome husband doing the dirty work :)

It's like the toy in my happy meal, or the surprise sticker in my cereal box!!! WONDERFUL!

The long awaited reveal was too much to handle...but our neighbor Isaac's face says it all....

Within seconds our dreams of a perfect pumpkin crumbled,and we were left with a very attractive "Holy Pumpkin." What can we say, we are just that righteous!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Summer Happenings!

Since we are just starting on the transition to Blog life...I will just give you a taste of our life in Idaho!  What a great summer it was for us, traveling and enjoying life!! Here are just a few pics of our trips and wonderful times with family!! 
Can't wait for another 
Summer like this one.