Thursday, June 25, 2009

Take me out to the ball game....

Jared scored some pretty sweet tickets to the Diamondbacks game on Tues. We had one extra ticket and of course brought James. We didn't tell him exactly where the seats were because we weren't 100% positive. However, he is ALWAYS excited to go to the games and I was excited to have a date with my boys! Thank you Kristen and Scott for having a slumber party with my girls! He gathered his ball, marker, glove, rattle, and other things that apparently are a necessity for the game. After we picked up our tickets we headed toward our seats. We were escorted down to a little section right next to the dugout. There was only a net between us and the players. Needless to say, James was in HEAVEN. The usher told James to get his ball out and start asking the players for autographs.  Stephen Drew, Justin Upton (Jared's man-crush), Eric Byrnes, and some other players all signed his ball. He even asked Eric Byrnes to sign his jersey which now he refuses to wear!! He would stand there during the innings to get high fives, some of the players gave him gum, Ryan Roberts threw him his sweat band which James thought was gross and equally cool, and we just listened to the players talk (and yawn!).    I think at that point was when James leaned over and said, "How can it only be the 2nd inning and the best day of my life!" 
About every 3 innings they switch out the bases. The usher handed the ACTUAL 3rd base to James and I thought he was going to burst! Top that off with some nachos, cotton candy, and a win (which is rare this season) James will remember that game for the rest of his life! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sewing 101

So, I have been taking  sewing 'lessons' from Kristen's mom Linda. Linda recently retired from being the seamstress of the Cardinals Cheerleaders. (so that means she's good!!) Since school has been out, I have met Kristen over at Linda's house and we just sew! Well Linda and I sew while Kristen swims with my kids! (Thanks Kris!) This is the project I was working on and I LOVE it! It fits a little weird right now in my current situation but it looks so cute hung on a hook or hanging over Maggie my mannequin!
It could actually serve 2 purposes... an apron or lingerie!!

Friday, June 5, 2009



*For 4 years she has woken up in the morning with a smile on her face! 
I love when she sneaks downstairs and whispers, 'is it morning time?'
*For 4 years I have been treated to her very own language. 
My LOVE that the girl has her own vocab!
*For 4 years we have tried to teach her to walk. 
She hops, skips, jumps, bounces, leaps where ever she goes. 
*For 4 years she has become best friends with her sister and depends so much on her brother. 
*For 4 years  we are just lucky to live in HER world!

             MY LOVE YOU NEMMERS!                 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Frigid Ladies debut

My neighbor Karalynn (the founder) along with several other fab ladies get together once -a- month to assemble meals, get free therapy, jam to music, and laugh the night away. I guess word got out about our freezer meal group and they just had to do a story about us!! So News Channel 3 came to film one of our 'sessions' (breaking news I know!) Seriously though, I LOVE having 8 meals in my freezer ready to go for those crazy or lazy nights I don't want to make dinner.  I love being productive, making new friends, and having a blast. Everyone should do it!!  Here is the clip...