Monday, November 19, 2007


Sorry about the negative blog but it needs to happen. I need to apologize for some things I have done this week. I would like to first say I am sorry to my blogging friends for my absence. There is no excuse for not posting for a month. I am sorry to Anna who has been hoovering over the toilet for the last few hours yet still managed to miss! You know, I will just number them...

I am sorry...
* Jared for not shooting anything for 5 days I know it must be hard being gone especially during the week of Thanksgiving when it is at our house!
*for cursing the womans name who ran into our neighborhoods power line and made over 100 houses power go out.
*for being annoyed with the girl who had 50 items in the 10 items or less check out.
*for my random finger that I was waving at the man who swerved in my lane.
*to myself for ruining my good eating by eating at Elmers because there was a rumor it was closing.... j/k sheri!
*to Heidi for not seeing Spencer the way 50 million other people do. Oh, so sad.
*for buying store bought cookies for your thanksgiving feast because I just didn't care this year.
* for wearing tighter pants to the gym because I thought I was loosing weight but clearly with the amount of mirrors there I was wrong.
*to anyone I have been rude to this week, apparently I have grown an extra foot!!!

AHH, I feel better.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloweend Out!

I am officially Halloweend out! We have been to 3 trunk-or-treats, 1 halloween party, both kids halloween parties at school, and then 'real' halloween. It was nice to get that much use out of a halloween costume though. Joy, my birth mom's MIL made the kids costumes! I told her that Anna wanted to be Glinda the good witch.... ever since I took her to Cali to see Wicked in March she has wanted to be Glinda. Therefore I wanted Emmy to be Dorothy ( I am bias but she made the cutest darn Dorothy!) and I was going to be Elphaba the wicked witch.... I know, I know it is a stretch for me to be a witch but I managed. I was just going to buy James his costume because he never knows until last minute what he wants to be but Joy just whipped up an army costume and he loves it! So this Halloween is dedicated to Joy.. Thanks for making the best costumes! We love you!