I am sorry...
* Jared for not shooting anything for 5 days I know it must be hard being gone especially during the week of Thanksgiving when it is at our house!*for cursing the womans name who ran into our neighborhoods power line and made over 100 houses power go out.
*for being annoyed with the girl who had 50 items in the 10 items or less check out.
*for my random finger that I was waving at the man who swerved in my lane.
*to myself for ruining my good eating by eating at Elmers because there was a rumor it was closing.... j/k sheri!
*to Heidi for not seeing Spencer the way 50 million other people do. Oh, so sad.
*for buying store bought cookies for your thanksgiving feast because I just didn't care this year.
* for wearing tighter pants to the gym because I thought I was loosing weight but clearly with the amount of mirrors there I was wrong.
*to anyone I have been rude to this week, apparently I have grown an extra foot!!!
AHH, I feel better.