Thursday, June 28, 2007

Duck Tours

I forgot to say... We are in Boston on a business trip. Jared's work sent him to a convention.
Today Jared went to classes while I shopped!! I know... I was tired but I still kept going!! We took this DUCK TOUR. Is it a truck or boat??? We went on land and sea. It really was so cool. We saw all of the cool things in Boston. I took some pictures and I swore I would remember what they were but I just can't! ...Here is our tour guide. Very Funny! He has the same sense of humor as Jared so I was rolling by the end.

We were in the harbor and went under this bridge. It probably has some sagnifigance that I am sure Jared remembers.

This is a Dunkin Donuts/Sushi bar!!! I just thought no one would believe me!

Very intricate architecture!

This is where Paul Revere, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklins parents and very interesting Mother Goose are buried.

the day from HE double hockey sticks!!!

It started off okay. However Jared did read the paper and the headline said 'travelers expect delays!' That should have been a clue for us. We got the kids situated and we were off. Phoenix was good we got everything checked in and the plane was on time. We were in group C and the plane was full so Jared and I didn't even sit by each other. Unfortunately Jared was the skinniest boy in his row!! I really wish I took a picture but none of them looked to happy. I on the other hand found it very comical. Poor Jared was in the middle of 2 men twice his size. I would've switched but my spot wasn't much better! We had to rush in Chicago to switch planes so we ate at the first place we saw. We got back just in time to see that our flight was delayed 4 hours!! AHHHHH! Every flight was either cancelled or delayed. We landed in RI and just barely got to the rental car place before they closed, at least that was a relief. By now, it is midnight! We got the rental car and Jared had map quested our hotel which should've taken about 45min. Downtown was crazy with one way streets and toll roads... we called the hotel, got someone who you knew english was a second language and gave us really really crappy directions. Needless to say, we did get to our hotel, we both wanted to just jump in bed and go to sleep. We got in our room racing for the bed just to see that we each get one!!!! We called down to see why we had 2 beds and they said they are completely booked so we just had to deal with it. Hopefully today we can switch. We are definitely hoping today is an improvement!!! At least our hotel is attached to a mall!! Yea ME!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Photography Site

Good news! I have finally started a photo blog. This is where I can showcase my pictures and/or you can view your own online.
I also put the site under my friends and family


Giddy yup!!

'Spur' of the moment, we decided to go to a place called Rawhide. It is just like the old west. James thought we really would become cowboys/cowgirls. At dinner, there was a live band which I believe was Anna's favorite part. She danced all through dinner (and even convienced Jared to join). She asked if she could do that every night. Emmy fell in love with the goats and little horses. I don't know if they felt the same way because one of them head butted her twice and knocked her to the floor! They had pony rides, burro rides, carriages, panning for gold, trains, a petting zoo, and shows. We really had a fun time. Oh, I almost forgot, the most exciting thing for me was that there was a mechanical bull!! Do you even have to ask if I rode it? It has always looked fun to me and. . . it was!

Father's Day

I woke up and made breakfast for Jared. He opened his gifts and then we went to church where the kids sang SOOO cute. Later that afternoon we went to my parents and ate dinner and then went to his parents. All in all, a very nice relaxing Father's Day. UNTIL . . . on our way home a girl in a rediculously awesome car broke down right off the freeway. So at the end of a relaxing day, Jared spent the last few minutes pushing a car!! Needless to say, he was not too happy when he saw the start of my flash!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Already 2

My baby Emmy just turned 2 on the 4th. I cannont believe how fast time goes by. She really has brought so much to our little family. She is a busy little thing but I cannot think of a day that I have not laughed with her around. For instance, I put her down for a nap but still heard noise so I went to check on her. I seriously couldn't find her, I looked in her closet, under her crib, finally I hear 'Hi Mama' she was standing in her window sill peeking through the blinds! Never a dull moment in the Lambson household.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I have been tagged by my sister-in-law Sheri ( to write 8 interesting things about me. I have been trying to think of things no one knows but I pretty much am an open book!! Here they are in no particular order basically just to get it over with!!!!

1. Music - I think music can set the tone for ANYTHING. People ask what is your favorite kind of music and I say are you kiddin'. That all depends. I have a cd for cleaning the house, working out, relaxing, dancing (around the house), in the car, when I am happy, sad, and mad. I love music.

2. Bubble Wrap- I don't know who invented packing peanuts but that was a dumb idea. I hate those things. Bubble wrap has multiple purposes!

3. Comfy Clothes- If you know me at all, this one is a DUH. Even James for Mothers' Day said that his mom's favorite thing is her. . . pj's!

4. Watching workout videos while eating chocolate!- I will click through channels and be motivated to workout but it looks exhausting so I eat some chocolate and will start again the following Monday!! I do like working out but I really cannot diet. (See first blog!)

5. Laughs- I love laughter. Not the ha ha kind, the contagious kind. I love to hear TRUE belly laughs.

6. Coming Home to a clean house- I love a clean house. I will clean all morning and have to leave because if I don't it will just get dirty in seconds. So as soon as the kids are done with their chores and the house is clean I will load everyone in the car do something so that when I come home I walk into a clean house!

7. Reality TV- I love Big Brother, Amazing Race, Real World/Road Rules(Kind of embarrased to addmit), some show called Scarred on MTV about injuries caught on tape. I don't even know why I watch them the sight of blood makes me want to puke but I can't stop. On the Lot, American Idol, So you think you can Dance. Okay, it sounds like I sit around all day watching tv! But I promise I don't!

I am really trying to think of an '8'. I am not that interesting of a person

8. I love woodworking. I just started making my own frames, magnet boards, and other things. It is so fun working in the garage with a 'mans' tool. I feel like I have power.

That is about it.

I am tagging.. . . Sarah Hull, Cara Johnson, & Marci Alvarez.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Toy room

I am so excited and exhasted from my new project! I am doing the kids toy room half camo half girly. Jared has never liked the idea but I think he just couldn't visualize it! This is just the begining stage. The girls side looks pretty plain but you haven't seen nothin' yet! I am so excited about it so here is stage 1. Special thanks to my mom for teaching me and helping me wallpaper!