Tuesday May 8, 2012
Off I went to Salt Lake City with my friend Gail. She went to visit family, and me, well I headed off to the Family History Library to find my ancestors!
These are my grandfather's parents. (Isn't great-grandpa cute? He looks like my father.) The records in the city of Agrigento Sicily are not too good; they are in most cases almost illegible. I knew it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.
Nicolina D'Amato and Gerlando Cardella, my great-grandparents. I needed to find his parents. |
After an uneventful and pleasant flight to Salt Lake, Gail left with her daughter and I went to the library to begin the search that almost killed exhausted me.
The place where miracles happen.
after a couple of hours of getting my bearings and beginning the search, Sister Graham and I went to the temple. It had been 20 years since I had been to Salt Lake City. I had forgotten how incredibly beautiful the temple is. I was SO GLAD to be there!
Wednesday May 9
Poured through microfilms. Prayed.
Thursday May 10
Poured through microfilms. Prayed.
Friday May 11
Poured through microfilms. PRAYED.
Despite finding clues during my search and having invaluable help from my pal Mary Anne Graham, I got very discouraged. I knew the Lord had sent me there to find this family but after thousands, hundreds, MANY hours of searching, every muscle in my body ached. My eyes were blurry. I was hungry, thirsty and tired every day. Mary said to me on one of those days, "You still have time." My impatience was getting the best of me.
Sometime during those days, (they are a blur to me) we went to the new City Creek Center for lunch. We walked through Temple Square a lot. We went to the new Deseret Bookstore which knocked my socks off. Being on Temple Square was good for me and kept me focused although I was discouraged.
One day I talked to Larry about it. My body was SO sore. He gave me beautiful advice. He said, "Why don't you pray for endurance?" I thought of the pioneers. If they could walk across the country, I could sit at a microfilm reader.
After Mary was done with her shift at the library Friday, she sat with me and we both looked through films. About an hour before closing time Friday night I heard her softly call my name. I looked at her and she said, "I found them." I buried my head in my hands and thanked God for endurance and a good friend who helped me.
Saturday May 12
Relief! I had much more research to do but I wasn't frantic. We walked to the Blue Iguana for a grand Mexican lunch that was a much needed break. Loved it!
Saturday night we went to the Conference Center theater to see Alex Boye, a member of the Tabernacle Choir. He does shows and tours the country. I thought he would sing choir type songs and be all reverent. Boy was I wrong! The guy is a comedian and sings all types of songs. It was a fabulous show!! He tells his life story too, about joining the church as a kid and going on a mission. Just the best.
Sunday May 13
We started out at the Tabernacle to see "Music and the Spoken Word." I was astounded at the whole production. I had never heard the choir in person so what a treat THAT was! But for the program, the Tabernacle turns into a recording studio because the program is broadcast all over the country, maybe the world. LOVED IT!
That's me in the Tabernacle after the program. Man, those grandma arms are killin' me. |
THEN, highlight ater highlight, this trip was the best. I got to meet my friend of four years for the first time! We were so excited to meet each other!
Me with my darling friend Katrina. We met through her blog and became friends, hoping we could meet each other someday. This is Sunday morning in front of the Church History Museum.
So we were happy and looking forward to a great day together. She drove me back to her home in Saratoga Springs where I met her husband Nils, (such a great guy with good manners!) He made us lunch while I got acquainted with the kiddos, Anders, Addie, Aani and Ava. AND their stuffed animals! We walked to church together, listened to great Sacrament talks, had cake in Relief Society for a Mother's Day treat, admired the view of Utah Lake and walked back home. Then we had dinner at Katrina's mom's home where I got to meet a bunch of her family. Great stuff. Check out this picture taken by Nils.
In the front is Aani. Next to her is Addie, Katrina is holding Ava and I've got Anders trapped. Love this family. |
I hated saying goodbye to them. But maybe they will come out to New York someday and I will sure be going back to Salt Lake. There is too much work to do at the library not to. And who knows? Maybe we will serve a mission there someday!
Monday May 14
Back to the library for research on Larry's family. NOT enough time! I did take a lunch break to wander around the museum for a while. Loved that, too. Research, dinner at Mary's, talk on the phone, and pack. I felt incredibly blessed and sad to be leaving. Yet I missed Larry and was glad to be going home.
This trip opened my eyes to the power of prayer once again. It also made me want to go on a mission with Larry soon! Like before we are too old and decrepit.
Tuesday May 15