Sunday, April 1, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

I believe we are all destined for something special. We might not know what it is or the direction we are heading but I shall enjoy the journey.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Inner Peace

True peace is found in this moment. Acceptance is the 1st step to inner calm.

(Sold, Thanks!)

Monday, March 26, 2012

What she said...

A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I love to read all types of books. From contemporary novels, to historical fiction as well as paranormal romance. You can also catch me reading  a young adult novel every now and then too. 

No book snob here. I enjoy so many types of books, especially series. Gotta love them! As far as genres go, regency romance is an absolute favorite. I really get pulled into it. I just can't help it.

If I'm not browsing an actual book store, then I'm looking up authors, books and lists on There was a point where my book shelves were piling up with more books than I could fit/afford. :)

I was so grateful to get a Nook from Santa for Christmas. This definitely helped out with my book shelving issue...somewhat. I really do love my Nook. I can tell because my trigger finger seems to keep confirming to purchase books on it's own. 

 Don't tell Santa, but I still need to actually hold that new book in my hand every now and then. Maybe it's only me. I guess you could say I love books in all forms. As I've mentioned before, I also enjoy listening to audio books as well as music when I'm painting. For you lovely artists out there, I recommend that you try it if you haven't yet.

As for my painting, you can find more info on "Celeste" in my etsy shop here.

Thanks for visiting! :)


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