Saturday, September 23, 2017

HELLO!!! Anyone There?

I hope I haven't lost all of you with my lack of posts.  I didn't mean to take such a long break, but with hurricanes, a death in the family and trying to get back to normal here it is almost a month since I blogged.
I did spend some quality time with Ashleigh and it was so good to see her. The circumstances weren't the best. Still we were able to come together as a family and share our love for an amazing woman.  
So I cancelled my trip to Calif and lost big bucks on the plane ticket (grr) but I do have a credit to use up within the year.  So I'll plan a trip in the Spring maybe?  Ashleigh is home and back to work and life is moving forward.

Hurricane Irma dropped tons of rain and wind on us here in GA.  Sara and family had a tree come down and lost power for a week.  They stayed with me for meals, baths and some nights.  It was crazy and I forgot how noisy it is with two kids, 3 adults and a crazy cat in a small 2 bedroom duplex!  The kids were out of school for 3 days and Tiger had some fun!
He played chief hurricane inspector! 
This child has such an imagination! 

During all this time I didn't touch a paint brush but the other day looking out my window I saw this tree in our yard starting to turn colors and losing it's leaves.  I painted it and really I am happy with how it turned out.

I've much to share with you. A couple of junking adventures, keepsakes from family and more watercolors.  So I hope you are still with me! I promise to post again soon!

Wishing you JOY,