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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oh the choices

One of the many exciting things about this move is my new apartment. I've decided to hang a few pictures on the walls, which has sent me into all of my old files.

This search has brought out a few treasures that I'm having a tough time deciding between.

Places I've been:

The Classics:

And then these two that I just love because how similar they are. One in Greece and the other in Spain.

The one of the two ladies is one of my favorite things because I love the thought of two old ladies (Sisters? Best friends?) who have known each other forever just sitting and talking at the end of the day.

I narrowed it down to 89 pictures, now to 37. I'm getting there...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Making the effort is almost always worth it

Today I was able to get together with two more friends. My favorite thing about moving and having one adventure after another, is the friends I get to make along the way.

Elise is my friend from FoodPlay. Our first 6 weeks of knowing each other we were together non stop in a mini van, hotel room, or touring a new city. In that kind of a situation, you REALLY get to know someone. It could have gone either way, but I'm glad that in the end of this situation we ended up friends.

It was Elise I turned to when I felt the travel bug gnawing at me again, so Greece is also on our list of places traveled together. It would be easy to say that (besides family) she is my favorite travel buddy.

The great thing about Elise is her honesty. She calls me on my crap 100% of the time, points out very quickly when I'm in a bad mood, and doesn't get upset when I do the same with her. I think its our differences that make the friendship interesting, and our similar passions that are helping it to last.

Today we met at Panda Express and just talked. It was so fun to get together to catch up, discuss our dating lives (or lack thereof), and be annoying - which is what we both do best.

Amy is my friend from BYU Hawaii. It was with Amy that I discovered the ability to travel and have adventures without a "responsible adult". For a whole summer in Laie Hawaii Amy and I studied, played, and had a "Saturday Adventure" every week.

We snorkeled, rode busses all day to find the best ice cream on the Island, visited the most crowded tourist attractions, and even got stranded at Walmart.

Tonight we realized that it's been a whole 7 years since that summer. Amy actually turned 18 while we were there. Now she's married and has a cute little girl, but we are able to get together occasionally and catch up.

Over Leatherby's Ice Cream Sundae's we discussed how its tough to keep in touch and often takes a lot of effort. After tonight I'm glad we both decided to put in that effort.

Amy is fun to talk to. I love her perspective on life and how she is so open with her opinions. She usually has good books to recommend, a funny story to tell, and something completely random that drives her crazy (tonight it was the lack of decent throw pillows in the Salt Lake Valley - she has decided to just make her own).

I like to bounce ideas off of her because she usually says exactly what's on her mind about an idea instead of trying to guess what I want to hear:

Me: Rollerblade commuting. What do you think?
Amy: It's ok to be quirky Liz. Being quirky is a good thing.

I'm happy that even after not seeing each other for almost a year, it still feels completely comfortable.

Maybe leaving town isn't so bad after all. If it gives incentive to have wonderful days like today, then I'll take it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Last Hoorah.

As the time of my departure nears, the number of people asking to get together with me increases. People are coming out of the woodwork. The last week in town is usually very busy and fun. These "get togethers" started tonight. I spent the night with two of my favorite people in the world, Robbie and Audrey.

The night started out with a dance party. I don't know what it is about this song but whenever we hear it we all have to dance.

Love them.

After a pizza dinner, we packed up and went to Boondocks. It was Robbie's idea. I asked him this morning what he wanted to do and when I got home he had decided that he wanted to miniature golf.

We had a great time. I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure I won. Just sayin...

The lady ahead of us offered to take a picture of all of us. Audrey was basically in that stroller the whole time, but she was being super cute.

After golfing we used the tokens that came with the purchase in the arcade. Robbie was on a snowmobile in this game. He actually beat the level. Impressive. It was also about this time that Audrey got bored of the stroller and decided to get out.

She sure thought she was something as she stood up in that stroller.

We had SO MUCH fun at Boondocks. The phrase, "This is so much fun!" was used multiple times by both of us. I'm pretty sure Audrey said it a few time too actually.

After cashing in our 46 tickets for two dum dums and one of those popper things, we left Boondocks for a "Special Treat" aka ice cream at Arctic Circle.

Robbie got a chocolate dipped ice cream cone. I wish I would've taken my camera inside (being a single mother is difficult, its hard to remember everything). He had ice cream ALL over his face, but he ate the whole thing.

We finally went home around 9:3o. Before I put Robbie to bed I broke the news to him that I am moving back to Cleveland. As usual he took it better than me. I cried while he said, "it's ok, you'll be able to send me cards and pictures."

Pajamas and bed happened around the same time that Katie and Sam walked in the door. Oops. But...worth it.

Best moments of the night
Rocking out to Bad Romance on the freeway
Robbie saying "You are doing such a GREAT job babysitting!"
Getting back to the house and having a 2 minute moment of silence while all 3 of us drank water.