Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Traditions are the BEST!

We have really been in the Christmas spirit this year. Now that Jace is two and beginning to understand the holidays we are trying to establish fun traditions. Here are just a couple things we have done this season.
Cut out paper snowflakes
Baked sugar cookies

Put up the decorations and picked out a Charlie Brown tree
Went to a ward Christmas party
Decorated homeade Gingerbread houses

Met up with the Maughans and saw the lights at Temple Square

Drank lots of hot chocolate
Took goodies to friends and neighbors
Wrapped presents

And while this good little boy and his sidekick Mr. Bear sleep, Im sure santa will help him make more memories on Christmas Eve and Christmas day....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Big day for a little guy

Jace turned two on Thanksgiving this year. The monday before that we celebrate with the Lancaster side. He had a "Cars" themed birthday and he really enjoyed it. It was great to see him actually know what to do with the presents and to just love people singing happy birthday to him :) Then on his actual birthday we were in Colorado and had a little celebration there as well. We had so much fun having grandma and grandpa all to ourselves :) As you can tell Jace is quite attached to grandpa and started some new traditions together. Thanks mom and dad for spoiling Jace and his parents on our little get away! It's still hard to believe I have a two year old, we feel very lucky and blessed to be parents.