Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Here we go, lots of pictures of Christmas morning.

The kids' new princess tent. This is Emma in defiance mode after we said "smile!" Of course we found out later she had a high fever. Poor kid has been sick all week.

Opening presents

Bert's new hat

We had cute matching pajamas for the girls but Kaylie managed to have a blowout in them the night before.

Bert's pride and joy, he made an apple pie which was delish! I think I'll have some of the leftovers for lunch.

Paint projects

The nice thing about having a school teacher/painter husband is that he gets two weeks off for Christmas and can work on projects like this:

Finally, Emma has her cute little girl room.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Snow

Well, a snowstorm the day before Thanksgiving canceled our vacation plans and dumped a ton of snow. So we bundled up the girls to go out and play

"I can't move my arms!" Name that movie. My 15 month old is lost inside her 12 month snow suit.

Dad and the girls

And back after only 10 minutes. It was only about 15 degrees outside!

Kaylie was not very happy with the whole experience. I don't think she can walk in those pants.