Monday, December 28, 2009


Here is Emma's 3 month portrait and Kaylie's 4 month, can you tell who's who?. (Yes I managed to put them in the same thing, can I help it if Kaylie got all of Emma's hand-me-downs and I thought this outfit was cute?)


Here are a few pictures from Christmas morning.

Bert wearing his favorite present

Kaylie and her new clothes

The purse from Aunt Sarah was a huge hit

She talked on her new phone almost the whole day

And would not put down her lipstick

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Tonight I started to read Emma a couple of bedtime stories when she stopped me with "Hey! Don't talk!" She then proceeded to read to me The Very Hungry Caterpillar which she has apparently memorized.

My favorite thing I have heard Emma say was when I was hanging some pictures in her room. She came running in yelling, "Don't hit my room!"

What made me laugh really hard was listening to Bert yell at her to get her head out of the toilet. I don't think it was really all the way in, she was just looking.

And I think Emma is brainwashing me to change Kaylie's name. She can't say "L" yet so it comes out Kaywie. Which kinda sounds like Karrie and I have on occasion managed to call her that.