Monday, February 9, 2009

Forms of Entertainment

The other weekend I took Audrey down to Utah to visit Dam & Jess and to also go to Playhouse Disney Live. We were a little late to the show due to awesome Utah traffic. The show was fun but had way too long of an intermission. The look on Audrey, Brynlee and Crew's faces was totally worth it.

When you don't have a big form of entertainment around, you have to come up with something creative...

Washer & Dryer watching...unbelievably fun to do.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Giving in

Ok, I finally decided I needed to sign up on Facebook. Everyone is doing it, so I might as well join in. (peer pressure) In the last 3 days I swear I've heard people talking about their facebook addiction everywhere I go. My mom is even on it, so I can't let her be more hip than me!!

A side note - I've been very leery of the whole facebook thing after watching my brother sink into depression over his myspace page. Long story short - bad girlfriend, she broke up w/him, he kept looking at her page after they broke up = major drama. I told him to delete the stupid page and once he did things started improving for him. The online community seems to have changed since then, so hopefully you all will be my friend. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Schools were canceled this morning with temperatures like -20 degrees. It was -6 when I took Audrey to gymnastics at 9am. So, crazy cold temperatures call for drastic measures....

Cocoa Bean hot chocoalte & butterfinger cupcake

Mmmm, mmmmmm! Now I feel much better! :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Audrey started preschool this month. She's been very excited to go to school and have her own "homework." Since she sees Jaden going to school and doing his homework every night, she's wanted to do the same thing. Very monkey-see monkey-do. The initial plan was for Audrey to do the winter semester at the college's preschool, but I found out in the middle of December that we were 20 down the wait list and wouldn't be getting in until summer. Luckily 1 spot opened up in the preschool that I had planned on sending Audrey to at the end of August. (She misses the deadline for kindergarten and won't go until a year from August). The spot she has taken is in the "older" class with kids that will start kindergarten in the fall. So far she has done pretty dang good. She had no interest in abc's or in writing her name, but that is slowly changing. She at least will hold the marker correctly now. Even though she has started in the middle of the preschool year, I think it's been a good shock to her system. Nothing like jumping (or being thrown) right in! :)

First day of school

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


A few days after Christmas my brother and I took Audrey and Jaden sledding at a big hill by our house. We had to ride the snowmobiles from the house and across a field to get there. Audrey hates loud noises, so she wasn't a fan of the ride and whined the whole time. We had to go really slow. The hill is quite steep so I wasn't sure if Audrey would like it, but it turns out she did. The problem came later on when she tipped over at the end of her ride and face planted. The snow was quite hard and icy, so her poor little face was totally scratched up. So much for being brave and having fun. We had to leave at that point and took another painfully slow ride back home. I didn't take any pictures of her face, but she went several days with 2 bandages covering up the worst parts. :(

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday Happenings

We had a good couple weeks of holiday celebrations. Before Xmas we drove down to Utah to pick up Clayton and also to see baby Layla - who is a darling little mini Jess. Santa brought exactly what Audrey ordered/expected, my aunt & family from Washington visited for 4 days after Xmas, and Dam, Brynlee and Crew came up for a few days to celebrate new years and to see Jaden's baptism. I love Christmas time and am always sad to see it go, but on with the new year!

The Santa order: Ponies and a polar bear webkinz

Lots of puzzles for xmas - she can do 100 pcs

Another order: monkey webkinz

Clayton blowing out the tons of snow we got xmas morning

Moosie camped out for 1 1/2 days - eating all the apples left on the tree

Brynlee bowling

Audrey bowling

Crew 'bowling' w/the remote

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Over the past week, sledding has become one of Audrey's favorite things. Her cousin loves it as well, so they've been inviting themselves over to our neighbor's hill. Even though she can be quite chicken, Audrey has decided that going down backwards is super fun. I'm happy that the snow has finally come and will now stay for the rest of the winter. What is the purpose of really cold weather without snow? Driving can be a pain, but hey it's Idaho. We get our white Christmas, so ya-hoo! :)