Monday, February 2, 2009
10:28 PM
TAG BY: ili aini & eyn
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 otherpeople :taknak tag sape2. tehee (;
What have you been doing recently?
-watching movies & makan
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
-everyday i guess, do noe why love to do it
What happened at 10am today?
-learned how to park the car.
When did you last cry?
-last year. cannot recall larh
Believe in fate/destiny?
What do you want in your life now?
-a very good life!
Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
-umbrella but i think i will not use it. redah jerr!
What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
-playing games, sleeping n dreaming. love it
What bottoms are you wearing now?
-short pants
Whats the nicest things in your inbox?
-my birthday wishes from my frens n family.
Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
What was the last movie you caught?
What are you proud of?
What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
-happy birthday n bla bla bla
What was the last song you sang out loud?
-i think rain rain go away with amelia n darius lee. haha stupid song
Do you have any nicknames?
What does the newest text say?
-from maxis. u have 5 missed call. great huh =p
What time did you go to bed last night?
-no time to see the watch. just take good nite sleep
Are you currently happy?
-not really
Who gives you the best advise?
-my mom, rda tembam
Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-i wish to do that hahah
Who did you talk on the phone last night?
-my lovely mum. "pick up me at work now, bye" save credit
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
-abg md noor [good driving teacher]
Thursday, December 4, 2008
9:25 PM
not to late right to tell story bout last week. tehee. to bz lol after spm nyh. okeh i start from :
29 nov. i am the librarian at my school. on that day there are a 'jamuan la' at school fer the librarian.'anugerah mutiara pusaka'.da starting were so damn boring. i think that is better i sleep at home that evening. hahaha so terok aa me. ngee. well i sat with the other form 5 librarian there are ain, anis, idha n many more. sara? where was sara? she was late. da VVIP lol. ain n me picked her up in front of da school. "mak datin suda smp" then she laughed. she looked so pretty in kebaya. then makan makan. because the party were so damn boring sara n i went out to da hall. took pic jumpjump gelak gelak. miss her lol that time. we went back to da hall. suddenly a singer name DIDDY came out from da back stage. i was so exited don't noe why. hahaha sengal jer. so shamed dol! he sat beside me when he wanted to give his autograf. sara laughed at me. hehehe. then i took pic with him. he is so handsome lol. so damn tall. haih! (: thanx anis! u rock! sayang lebih au.
2 Dec, i had my ekonomi asas paper. after exam finished around 1 p.m we took pic together with diana dslr. she teached me how to snap pic with dslr. so cool rite? thanx lol aunty. that evening eyn sara ain diana pja n me went to sara hse. take pic fer memories. lol so sad lah. diana, ain n me went home by foot. at diana hse adam was so jealous with her aunt cuz diana oweyz with his little sis, sarah. we went out n adam saw many people riding motorcycle then he said " uuu laaju nyerrr". he so cute lol.
3 Dec, i finished da last paper fer the biggest paper SPM. the last paper was hard fer me. after that, the rc students went to the exercise place at my school.we took pic together with our teachers Pn. zuraida n cikgu zul. Pn zuraida gave us duit raya 'RM 5'. jyeah! haha. pn. zuraida bring her prince n princess, daniel n adlina. adlina is so damn cute n chubby. her face like her father so much. daniel is so hyperactive. pity hasri lol. ehehee.
4 Dec, i hang out with my classmate. grooving around n took pic. we love camera so much! i wanna tell da sakai story happen that day. pja n me went inside to the body shop. then faizrin followed. he askes da sales girl "this perfume is unisex or not?", then da sales girl said that "yes, this perfume is unisex". suddenly a stupid stupid stupid long word came out from faizrin mouth. he asked the sales girl "kat sini ade jual perfume dunhill tak?" pja n me shocked n gelak smp pecah perot. we went out from the body shop as fast as we can. so damn shamed to that sales girl. ouh God. can u believe that. but he still my best friends n very good scandal forever and ever. ekekeke =D
today, i wake up from bed at 8.30 a.m i had to go to school to sent da book belongs to the school n took unik ID fer IPTA. i think that i grow up so fast. don't u? i still remember my late grandfather n cousin. sayang kamu sgt.just this fer now. i wanna go sleep n watching tv. haa i will go to an interview fer job. nothing to do untill SPM result come out on march next year maybe. wink! roger out!
p/s: sorry no picture. i will upload soon cuz now i cannot find my fone cable. tehee! =3